Question: What is
this thing? Well, it's a 4 gb hard drive and passme cart.
What is it not?
An mp3 player. A video player. WTF?
The box clearly says Media Player. A thousand 12 year olds are going to beg their parents to buy this for them and then get really pissed off and stomp on it when they think it's broken. No, it's not broken, kiddo, you're just a victim of false advertising. That is, unless you are okay with playing $150-200 for a passme cart and the ability to play homebrews and pirated Nintendo games. Y'know, you can emulate old Nintendo games for a lot less money by buying a blank GBA cart and putting an emulator on it. If you're trying to emulate pirated DS games, for the price you're paying for this, isn't it just easier to buy the real game? They aren't that expensive. At about $20-30 per DS game, you can get 5-10 real, new Nintendo DS games.
And wtf? Moonshell? Everyone who has actually tried their crappy mp3 player on this says that you can't play mp3s without skipping using Moonshell.
I'm sticking with my glitchy, import Play-Yan Micro. At least it has a good sound card, a decent amplifier, and its own headphone jack, so you can by-pass the crappy GBA sound card. Sheesh.