Foist day o' skewl

Aug 10, 2009 17:59

I just got back from school a few hours ago. Ugh, I am exhausted. My back and shoulders start hurting if I stand too long, so I'm also in some pain here as you can imagine. I still have a little bit of homework to do tonight as well. But hey, let me give some more details of my day to whoever's reading this right now.

1st Period - P.E. It was pretty boring because all we did was sit around for 50 or so minutes. We didn't even get our P.E. clothes.

2nd Period - Algebra. I'm taking the same level as I was last year because I didn't understand it as well as I could have, so the rest of this year will probably won't be too hard in the math area. The teacher seemed pretty nice. My desk is boxed in by somewhat ghetto kids who all know each other, though, so that's a little awkward. :\

3rd Period - Advanced English. I think I'll like this class more than most of my classmates. The teacher is this strict, tough guy who gives very specific orders when it comes to homework. He doesn't take any crap from students. The year will be challenging, and I'll get more homework than I would in a normal English class-- but I'm already used to that since my dad has been teaching me from college textbooks for the past few years.
I've already got some vocabulary homework that's due tomorrow. There's an essay due next Monday, too. Oi.

4th Period - Drama. In contrast with the last class, Drama just seems really fun. We'll be doing lots of group activities and improv games for the first semester. Maybe this will help me "come out of my shell" and kill my shyness, eh? Most people pass this class with A's. That is good thing.

Lunch. I couldn't find my friend during lunch because she sat outside. The line for lunch was way too long and people kept cutting me, so I just gave up and sat at an empty table for 40 minutes. Fun times. I must have looked emotionally disturbed or something, because a group of cheerleaders (Sophomores or Juniors, probably) were eyeing me suspiciously while eating their lunch and came over to ask if I was alright after they finished. Weird. Maybe I'll bring my own lunch tomorrow. Or is that a strange thing to do?

5th Period - Geography. The teacher's classroom was full of pictures of students, Star Wars posters, and signs that read "MR. MELVIN IS AWESOME"-- all of which he said came from students. He did actually seem pretty awesome, though.

6th Period - French. The only other language I've ever tried to learn was Spanish, and I didn't get it down that well. French seems like it'll be fun, though.
The teacher thought it was weird that I was doodling on the desk with pencil. I dunno, maybe I almost got in trouble for that. I couldn't tell what she said about that because she was speaking in French...

Oh, and a friend of mine is in Advanced English and Geography with me. I'm hoping to meet some new friends, though. To be honest, she can get on my nerves... what with twirling my hair, pointing out my bad posture, taking my glasses off my face and wearing them, poking my face, and yanking me around by the arm all the time. But hey, she's the only person I know there...
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