(no subject)

Apr 04, 2009 23:29

  • Made roasted rosemary & thyme chicken with potatoes; should last me for the next few days. Luckily, I'm not the type of person who tires of meal repetitions. 
  • Orange-flavored cranberries from Trader Joe's are amaaaazing.
  • I have at least 30 food blogs bookmarked and I want to cook, cook, cook.  If only I had the money to buy all the ingredients.
  • Is that what I'm really going to talk about after months of not posting anything?  Yes.
  • Watching a show on the We channel about a man who had urges to kill women.
  • This is coming off like Twitter updates...
  • Amy visited me for a whole a week and I took her around Manhattan and Brooklyn Heights.  It was kinda nice showing her around and talking to her, but I came to the realization that I can't really call her a best friend and she probably feels the same way.  Oh, and I need a new pair of chucks or any walking shoes that have good support.  We walked a lot and it seemed like I had to stop and give my feet some rest every ten blocks.
  • Planted forget-me-not in one of those mini kit planter things.  A couple of the seeds have sprouted. (!)  Excited for them to grow into cute little flowers.
  • A girl in my MKT class has obviously been trying to connect with me, but I don't have any motivation to try and forge a close friendship with her nor with anyone for that matter.  For now, I'm content with acquaintances.  I don't want my to have to be influenced by anyone at this point.
  • Almost done reading The Time Traveler's Wife.  Next on my list is one of the following:
    • Armageddon in Retrospect
    • The Painting
    • Watchmen :3
    • Inter Ice Age 4
    • Or maybe I'll go to a library branch, stand in front of a bookshelf in the fiction section, close my eyes, and pick out a random book.
  • I found my ENG partner's Twitter, where I saw the entry: "loves group projects, especially when recieving B's because of her incompetent group members."  I'll admit, I had a lot on my plate that week and was not able to give my all into the paper we worked on, but I get A's on my papers a majority of the time.  I really should not take this to heart, but if there's one thing that annoys me, it's being called incompetent by someone who spends most of class time perusing PerezHilton.com or AfterEllen.com and yearning for a flask.
  • I'm heavily contemplating on going on the pre-med track.  I still plan on graduating with a Marketing degree...well, I'm not sure about that either.  Maybe switch to Fine Arts or Modern Languages or Economics or Philosophy.  If I do decide to go to medical school, I probably will not be able to devote as much time as I would like into these areas anymore so I should take this opportunity to do so now.  Thinking about becoming a doctor kind of scares me, but in a good way. This summer, I am going to volunteer at a hospital in Las Vegas aside from taking summer classes.  I don't think I can afford getting my own apartment and staying in New York over the summer.  My dad plans on enrolling me in driving school because he believes doctors should be able to drive.  Oh, and apparently, he has always been expecting me to go into the medical field what with our family history.  I'm glad my parents never forced anything on me when it came to deciding on my future, but I kind of wish they would have at least given some input.
  • I bought a domain and webspace...that I don't know what to do with at the moment.  It wasn't spur of the moment; I had been contemplating it for a couple of weeks; Thoughts change; Plans change. 
  • I feel like I'm forcing myself to write about what's going on in my life and it's starting to hurt my head a little.
  • Why is it numbering instead of bullet-ing?
  • I can picture myself spending the rest of my life in New York, but I think I want to move on and explore another city now.  Unfortunately, the plan to study abroad in Tokyo has gone from a year to a semester to a summer.


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