Kitten question,
So the new kitten, who has got to be between 4-5 weeks old, has been having a problem. For the past two days her stool has been lighter in color and much looser, bordering on diarhea. When I first got her she didn't poop for a day and a half but then when she did she was pooping regular, small dark normal poops.
A few days ago she started refusing the formula, and just eating wet kitten food. I also caught her eating my other cats wet food.
On the second day of the loose stools I looked it up online and saw a whole bunch of causes. I am not going to take her to a vet until I am back home, and I won't be back home until tuesday. So the only causes that are things I can do anything about without a vet are:
change in diet
Well it could be all of those things. I have no idea how much to feed her and I am partially going off of when she meows for food. So yesterday I tried to really pay attention to what I give her and it came to about 4 oz wet kitten food. I also mixed all her kitten food with formula so she had no choice but to get at least some formula when she ate. I know she needs liquids and she has so far had zero interest in water. She seemed to get the hint because she drank most of the formula I gave her.
I fed her very small means about 5 times yesterday. I did not keep track exactly of how much formula it was but it was probably about 3 tablespoons worth.
I also kept my other cats food away from her.
I can't do anything about the stress, other than spend as much time as I can with her. but when we go out I have to put her in the bathroom by herself. At night I have taken to sleeping on the floor with her. I keep the door closed and a litter box in the room.
She seems to be totally normal, other than the pooping issue. She is active, playful, she has started climbing and running, and trying to play with T. Oh and she is not skinny, she is not under weight. She sometimes seems, but from what I read kittens get a little fat after they eat because their bellies are so small.
I have no idea what she weighs.
Is there anything else I should be doing?