She is doing really well. I started by feeding her replacement milk off my finger and then put my finger in a bowl of it and eventually she got to drinking it from the bowl. We still need to start it that way each time, she won't just go to the bowl for it. And i tried her on this food for baby cats 4 weeks and up, and she really liked it. I also mixed it with the milk. She ate it off my finger which resulted in a lot of biting of my finger. The last time I got her to eat it off a plate after I put my finger in the food on the plate.
I tried to stimulate him to eliminate, but it hasn't seemed to be working. However, we went out to the library for awhile and when we came back kitten had peed in the box I made for him.
She has fleas, but not too bad. She is also kind of dirty, so I guess I need to get a kitten shampoo of some kind.
She was sleeping on my neck earlier.
So if you are wondering how i came to have her... She is one of the 4 kittens that were living with their mom next to the alley next to my house. I had been trying to find a home for all of them, including mom, who is wild. But then it rained all night long. I got up and found mom moving them all to a much more difficult place for humans to get to. But at least it was dry and away from cars. Then this morning I heard meowing and went looking around where they were. I found one of them all by itself, trying to get back home, but she's not big enough to climb and jump where she needs to go. I put food out for the mom, and waited for her to come, figuring she would take the kitten back home. Eventually she came for the food, but refused to take the kitten.
That's when I intervened.
So we'll see what happens.