Mar 04, 2005 01:48
hey evry1. its like almost 2 in the mornin, im babysittn over danielles house, and i cant sleep. i need sex, hahahahahah. neway....
i was realli bored n figured i havnt done one of these ina wile, so lets go...
I AM NOT: insane
I AM: tired!
I WAS: thirsty
I WAS NEVER: rapped? haha i dunno, these q's are gay, haha
I WILL BE: graduating hs soon
I LIKE: writing
I LOVE: kisses
I DISLIKE: ppl who think they are better then me so they try n put me dwn
I HATE: being lied to
I WANT: to loose weight
I NEED: to lose weight, haha
I DONT WANT: to gain weight? haha
I DON'T NEED: to eat more junk food, like the bag of salt n vinagar chips i jus dwned, haha
I SHOULDN'T: think so much about mi weight, so im done talkn bout it, haha
I'D LIKE TO HAVE: mi chickes job bak (TEAR!)
I LISTEN: to evrything n believe most of it, haha
I EAT: too much (swy, but it asked, ahha)
I DRINK: iced tea
I SMOKE: like 2ce in mi life, n didit like it. NEVER CIGGS!
I DRESS: casually
I DRIVE: starting today, a 1995 Crysler New Yorker
I CRY: onli wen im realli upset
I YELL: at the top of mi lungs so evry1 can here wat im bitchn about!!
I DREAM: oddly enuff, about *him*
I FEEL: sick
I MAKE: ppl feel good about themselves
I SAY: way too much sometimes
I WISH I WAS: alil more attractive
I WISH I KNEW: how to read ppl's minds
I AM HAPPY: wen im not fightn w/ ne1 at the moment, haha
I AM LONELY: late at nite wen i think too much and cant sleep
I AM SAD: wen ppl arge with me
I AM MAD: wen jay tries to always prove me rong, haha
I THINK: wayyy toooo muuuuch
I HOPE: mi birthday tops last year
I KISS: who i want!!
I CAN NEVER: lie to ne1 i care about
I REGRET: very few things in life
Current mood: bored. bothered mi tom, haha
Current music: Since youve bin that american idol girl, haha
Current taste: salt n vinagar chips
Current hair: 1/2 up
Current clothes: blue sweatpants n a white tee
Current annoyance: TOM! ha
Current smell: snot...i cant breathe thru mi nose, haha
Current thing I ought to be doing: sleeping, ha
Current windows: none, im ina basement
Current desktop picture: blue snowflakes
Current favorite band: my chemical romance
Current book: frankenstein, hahahaha
Current cds in stero: oldies mix bi mandi, haha i love u girl<33
Current crush: the same person who loves to annoy me at this moment, haha.
Current favorite celeb: the gorgous kid from summerland
Current hate: irene, hahah
Current job: none, i miss chickies!!
Last book you read: seriosli read...McBeth!
Last movie you saw: Elf
Last thing you had to drink: iced tea
Last time you showered: this morning
Last thing you ate: salt n vinegar chips
Last person you talked to on the phone: Tom
+Do I / Have i ever+
Smoke?: yep, not ciggs tho, NEVER!
Do drugs?: no
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yea, a suckie one too!
Play an instrument?: violin....i WILL get that solo in the concert!!!
Believe there is life on other planets?:not at all
Remember your first love?: do i remember Dom?....all to well. it was onli a year ago, n thats sumthn ill never forget!
Still love him/her: i always will, but im not IN love w/ him nemore
Read the newspaper?: never
Have any gay or lesbian friends? yep
Believe in miracles?: always
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: DEFF!
Consider yourself tolerant of others? not at all, mi biggest fault
Consider love a mistake?: NEVER
Like the taste of alcohol?: i hate the taste of beer, i LOVE mixed drinks
Have a favorite candy?: Hersheys white chocolate cookies n cream
Believe in astrology?: deff...i love the stars
Believe in magic?: haha yea
Believe in god?:yep
Have any pets: dog - Brandi, 2 cats - Major and Figero, and like 11 birds, im soOo not namin them all evn tho i can, haha.
Do well in school? i am now that i got scared shitless i wasnt gon graduate, haha. i am now the capitain of mi boat, hahaha mr hack!
Go to or plan to go to college:Temple all the way babi!
Wear hats?: sutimes
Have any piercings?: ears n soon to be tounge
Have any tattoos?: soon
Hate yourself?: onli hate some of the things i do
Have an obsession?: lj's haha
Have a secret crush?: not realli secret, a few ppl kno
Do they know yet?: yea, he knows
Collect anything?: star stuff
Have a best friend? ash n jay all the way, hahaha
Close friends?: deff the girl crew in skool (dana, steen, jacq, laur's, and danni) n mandi<3
Wish on stars?: OMG u have NO idea.....ask al, haha
Like your handwriting?: im gettn use to it, ha
Care about looks? not realli. i look good wen i have to or am in the mood to. other then that im usualli jus rolln outta bed.
+Love and stuff+
First crush: Patrick Casella
Single or attached?:single, but mi hearts still attached unfortunately, haha
Ever been in love?: yea...dom
Do you believe in love at first sight: hahaha yea...mi 1st bf Kris, haha
Do you believe in "the one?": deff, jus havnt found him yet
Describe your ideal significant other: makes me laugh, never judges me, NEVER lies, always there wen i need him, evn wen i dont. n doesnt care or even take into consideration wat other ppl say about him, me, us, or our relationship. Loves me honestly n truly. Is somewhat spontanoeus at times, and likes to surprise me. Cares about the things i hold dear to me n evn if he doesnt realli, he tries to be considerate.
+Juicy stuff+
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: yes....heeheehee
Have you ever been intoxicated?: not enuff times, ha
Favorite place to be kissed?: anywhere on mi bak
Tease?: heeheehee
Shy to make the first move?: not at all...ask mi ex, haha
+Are you a+
Wuss: no
Druggy: no
Daydreamer: def
Freak: ha deff
Dork: i try
Bitch/Asshole: deff a bitch, try not to be an asshle to much
Brat: onli w/ mi mom
Sarcastic: wayyy 2 much. i cross the limit sumtimes
Goody-goody: not since 9th grade, ha
Cynical: occasionali
Devil: in wat regards? haha
Shy: never
Talkative: always
Adventurous: deff
Joker: deff
Name: Ashley
Age:: 17
Date of Birth: 3/21/87
Location:: south n sw philli
Gender:: female
Occupation: hs student
Eye Color:: shit brown
Hair Color:: dark brown w/ red highlights
Height:: 5'2
Shoe Size:: 5 1/2 or 7
Ring size:: 7
Listening:: nothn
Eating:: nothn
Feeling:: tired
Parents:: Gale n Paul
Siblings:: Jamie n Melissa
Pets:: alreadi answered this
Divorced? no
Favorite Band:: Dashboard
Favorite Song:: In My Life...Beatles
Hated Band:: ne skin headish
Hated Song:: Im Blue
Best CD:: Places that uve come to fear the most...DC
Worst CD:: Nething by brittney spears
radiostation:: use to be y100, but now shits all rap
Music TV Station: mtv
TV Show:: Law n Order, ima freak, aha
School Subject:: English evn tho shes a workaholic
Animals:: horses n dolphins
Movies:: Singn in the Rain, Guys n Dolls n other oldies w/ Gene Kelley n Frankie
Books:: The Giver
Cartoon:: Sailor Moon, haha
Holiday:: my bday
Scent:: Vanilla
Pizza Topping:: balled sausage
Board Game:: Monopoly
Video Game:: DDR
Number:: 11 and 2
Cereal:; Capt. Crunch
Dessert:: Creme brulet (sp?)
Ice Cream Flavor:: vanilla
Disney Character:: ariel
Place to Shop::Charolette Russe
Pastime:: sleeping
Teacher:: mr morrow
Childhood Toy:: mi octors kit
Amusement Park Ride:: Swings
Magazine:: 17
Season:: spring
Sport:: football
Wall Color:: blue n yellow
Posters: The Breakfast club n the guy from lay n order
Sheets: dark blue w/ stars
# Pillows:: 2
# Blankets:: 2
Size Bed:: queen
Share a room?:: nope
Snore?:: nope
Drool?:: all the time, haha
Stuffed animals?:: mi HUGE asss carebear from mark!
Either Or
Coke or Pepsi:: pepsi
Donuts or Bagels:: bagels
Day or Night:: night
Heaven or Hell:: heaven
Coffee or Tea:: tea
Hamburgers or Hot Dogs:: cheeseburgers.
Hot or Cold:: cold
Winter or Summer:: winter
Spring or Summer:: spring
Fall or Spring:: spring
Operas or Plays:: musicals
Read or Watch TV:: read
CDs or Tapes:: cds
DVDs or VHS:: DVDs
Old or New:: both
Shorts or Skirts:: skirts
Colored or Black and White:: colored
Mexican or Chinese:: mexican
Commercials or Informercials:: commercials
Bikinis or One Piece:: bikini
Sandals or Sneakers:: sneakers
Dogs or Cats:: dogs
Black or White:: black
Ribbons or Bows:: ribbons
Chicken or Beef:: both
Cars or Trucks:: cars
Popcorn or Pretzels::popcorn
Picture Frames or Photo Albums:: frames
Candid or Posed:: candid
Pens or Pencils:: black pens
Recording Industry:: pretty ok
President Bush:: complete n utter jackass, Cris Rock sed it best at the Academy Awards
Controversial Music Artists:: good
Religion:: i hate secular religion.
Homosexuals:: i love evry1
Abortion:: pro-choice...i wuld never...but i wont say u cant
Death:: sad, but a fact of life
Random Words
Sponge:: bob
Yellow:: pee
Dog:: brandi
Cat:: women
Cruel:: intensions
Phone:: suck
Rainbow:: bright
Animal:: horses
Queen:: bitch
Chocolate:: white
Trivia:: pursuit
Sandy:: shores
Soda:: can
Nature:: wind
Have You Ever:
Told a Secret?:: yes
Broke a Bone?:: no
Got into a Fight?:: atleast 1ce a year
Plotted Against Someone?:: no, never, hahaha
Been on TV?:: yep
Been on the Radio?:: nah
Been in a Mosh Pit?:: hahaha yep
Been to a Concert?:: not enuff
Taken Drugs?:: smoked
Drank Alcohol?:: alll the time
Broken the Law?:: yea
Been to a Rodeo?:: hahahahahaha no
Been on an Airplane?:: yep
Came Close to Dying?:: yea
Terrorized a Babysitter?:: haha does mi own sister sount?
Snuck out of the House?:: haha yea
Smoked?:: yeh
Been to Camp?:: no, but aways wanted to
Won a Bet?:: haha yep
Won a Trophy or Medal?:: yep
Thrown up in Public?:: haha hangn out a car in the mddle of ritner, haha
Bowled a Perfect Game?no, but im gettn better
Stayed Back?:: nope
Gotten Perfect Attendance?:: hahha im barely ever in skool
Loved Someone?:: yea
Three Things Near Computer:: nextel, remore, chair
Hidden Talents:: roll mi stomach
Worst Movie:: kids...swy kris n john
Sky Dive?:: deff this summer
Believe in Bigfoot?:: no
Lochness Monster?:: nahYeti?:: i saw one before i
Other Random Monster?:: i seriousli believe in chuckie!
Rooms in House:: 8
Afraid of Roller Coasters?:: nope
Believe in Some Higher Power?:: god, yea
Own a Pool Table?:: nope
Best Halloween Costume:: cop, heeheehee
Carry Weapons?:: mi tounge, ha
Ideal Way to Die?: realli old w/ a full life to remember
Way to Release Stress:: scream songs
Trendy?:: not at all
Artistic? i can color good, ha
Untie Shoes Before Taking Them Off?:nope, leve em loose to begin w/
Strong?:: i have NO arm strenght, its all in mi thunder thighs, haha
Last Email:: from jay about money
Last Person To IM You:: kris
Deep Sleeper?:: sumtimes
Story Tellerer?:: OMG im the best, ask Gi
Best Quality:: id say mi smile
Greatest Accomplishment:: loving sum1
Best Feeling in World:: to be loved
Worst Feeling in World:: findn out sum1 lied to u, or doesnt love u, or both in mi case (TEAR!)
Well, i think that abut covers evrythng 2ce over, haha. ill NEVER do one that long again!!! well, im deff tired now, haha. off to bed i go. nite nite<33333