So I've gotten insanely behind on these. Over the past two weeks, things at work have kept popping up, forcing me to stay, unprepared at a friends house. Unprepared as in, without my computer's power adapter. Which means that most of the last two weeks I haven't been able to use my computer and write at all and when I did, I worked on 101. The
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And now I'm all caught up again! ^_^ Do they actually go trick or treating in Korea? ^^;; I have no idea. Let's assume they do and it's the standard suburban American style of doing it. (as opposed to the city, take your kids to the mall style)
Beast - Trick or TreatingTitle: Trick or Treat
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This has got to be the oddest writing style I've ever used. I have no idea where it came from or why, but all attempts to change it failed spectacularly. ^^;; In the end, I decided just going with it would probably be my best course of action.
Beast - Things that Go Bump in the NightTitle: In Which Hyunseung Can Sleep Through a Zombie
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