fic: The Long Exile {Chapter 1/?}

Apr 03, 2007 19:47

Title: The Long Exile
Length: Chaptered, Chapter 1/?
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: PG, likely to go up eventually
Genre: Drama/Angst/Fantasy
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblence to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.
Summary: exile : noun 1 the state of being barred from one's native homeland. 2 a person who lives in exile.verb expel and bar (someone) from their native homeland.
-ORIGIN Latin exilium 'banishment'.

Notes: Inspired by the Tri-Angle PV. Though there will be a loose resemblance to various mythical/religious figures and places, it's not really intentional.



Their laughter echoed over the flower covered meadow, a single bright spot in an otherwise dull and dreary world.

Jaejoong ran as fast as he could, but Yunho was faster, graced with the speed and agility of his race. The changeling yelped and squealed as he was captured by the waist and lifted up into strong arms.

“Caught you!” Yunho declared, beaming at him. “I win again!”

Never one to accept defeat gracefully, Jaejoong slipped his hands under Yunho’s arms and tickled the other man’s sides mercilessly.

Yunho fell back, breath escaping in a whoosh when Jaejoong landed on top of him. He laughed freely, as he only could with Jaejoong, twisting and wiggling trying to escape the mischievous fingers.

“Who wins?” Jaejoong demanded, pinning his helpless friend between his thighs and continuing his assault. “Tell me again, Yunho, who wins?”

“You! Jaejoong wins!”

With Yunho’s concession, Jaejoong finally relented, the tickling changing into petting. “That’s better. You shouldn’t forget that I always win.”

“Because you always cheat.” There was no annoyance in Yunho’s voice, though, only fond amusement.

“There is no cheating. Only winning and losing. Losers will always declare the winner a cheat.” He nodded wisely, pleased with his own logic while Yunho just laughed softly and hugged him.

They lay there for a long while, Jaejoong stretched out on top of Yunho resting against his chest, comfortable silence stretching out around them.

The soft whirring of faerie wings drew Jaejoong’s glaring attention. The tiny messenger had the grace to look apologetic. “Sire... Your presence is requested at the palace. The Royal Knight says it’s very important.”

Yunho sat up with a sigh, his arms still wrapped firmly around Jaejoong. “I’ll be along shortly.”

They watched in silence as the faerie dipped a bow and then flew away, in a hurry to escape the changeling’s dark ire.

Gentle fingers pressed against his forehead. “You shouldn’t glare, Jae-mine. Your face will get stuck like that.”

“Haven’t they ever heard of a day off?” Jaejoong asked with a sulking pout.

“There is no such thing for a ruler. You know that.” Yunho shrugged. Such was his life. He’d learned to accept it at a very young age.

“It’s probably not even important,” he grumbled, refusing to get up and let the other leave just yet. “He just hates it when you’re out with me.”

Yunho couldn’t even argue the point. Every time he took a day off to spend with Jaejoong someone in the palace - his sister, his advisor, his guard -someone always came up with some vital reason that Yunho was needed back immediately. Although, to be fair, his advisor’s reasons had been real and important and he’d been beside himself with apologies for interrupting Yunho’s rare free time. His advisor was probably the only other person in the entire land besides Yunho who looked upon the changeling as anything other than a harbinger of doom.

“Come on, Jae-mine. I’ll make it up to you later.” Yunho pressed a soft kiss to Jaejoong’s nose.

He stood up, pulling the other to his feet. “You’d better,” he grumbled.

Yunho laughed and dropped another kiss on Jaejoong - this time on his pouting mouth. “I always do.”

It was hard to stay mad when Yunho was being so damned sweet. Jaejoong sighed and let go of his foul mood. He curled close and wrapped his arms around Yunho’s waist. However difficult anyone else tried to make his life, he knew that this was where he was meant to be. The entire purpose of his being was to stay by Yunho’s side, to bring laughter into a life that was all too often too serious, to comfort and protect the one whose life was devoted to comforting and protecting everyone else.

He smiled when he felt Yunho’s lips press against his hair.

No one would ever take this from him.


“Jaejoong hyung, wake up.” Jae growled and swatted at the hands that poked and prodded at him. The warmth of Yunho at his side, the contentedness of his being... it was slipping away from him and that was unacceptable.

“Jaejoong hyung, if you don’t wake up, we’re going to be late and you know what that means....”

Did he? Vague memories of being forced to run outside in the freezing cold trickled into his half-asleep mind.

“Move over, Changmin ah, let me try.”

Jaejoong’s ears perked up at the sound of Yunho’s voice. “Yunnie?”

There was a pause and then gentle hands were tugging him up into a sitting position. He blinked open sleepy eyes to see Yunho sitting in front of him, grinning. “Time to get up, BooJae.”

Pouting, Jaejoong slumped forward and curled up against Yunho’s shoulder. “Don’t wanna...”

Soft laughter tickled his ear. “You can sleep some more in the car, I promise, but we really need to get going now.”

“Was having a nice dream....”

“Oh?” He could feel Yunho working a shirt onto his arms. It felt a little weird to have Yunho dressing him as if he were a child, but he just wasn’t awake enough to do it himself.

“Mmhmm... There were flowers everywhere and sun....” He yawned and obediently shifted his legs so that Yunho could tug a pair of pants up and over them. “No one liked me, but I was happy.... You liked me.... it was enough...”

“You’re so weird sometimes, BooJae...” The fond amusement was obvious in Yunho’s voice and it made Jaejoong smile. “Up you go.”

The world teetered for a moment when Yunho pulled him up to his feet, but it stabilized again as he leaned against his friend’s strength. Hands tugged at his clothes as Yunho got him all buttoned up and presentable and then he yelped and clung when he was picked up, bridal style.

“Sleep some more, if you’re still tired, Jaejoong,” Yunho whispered against his ear. “I’ll wake you when we get to the dance studio.”

Smiling, Jaejoong curled close and let his eyes slip shut again.

On to : Chapter 2

drama, chaptered, fantasy, jaeho, fic, long exile universe

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