fic: The Long Exile {Prologue/?}

Apr 03, 2007 19:46

Title: The Long Exile
Length: Chaptered, Prologue/?
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: PG, likely to go up eventually
Genre: Drama/Angst/Fantasy
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblence to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.
Summary: exile : noun 1 the state of being barred from one's native homeland. 2 a person who lives in exile.verb expel and bar (someone) from their native homeland.
-ORIGIN Latin exilium 'banishment'.

Notes: Inspired by the Tri-Angle PV. Though there will be a loose resemblance to various mythical/religious figures and places, it's not really intentional.


“I warned you that this would happen.”

“Shut up, woman. He didn’t ask for your opinion.”

She glared at the offensive speaker, a look of contempt and distaste twisting her beautiful features. “No more than I asked for yours.”

“I was asked to be here. Unlike someone else I could name.”

“You have-“

“Quiet. Both of you.” It was said in a tone that brooked no argument. He was young, far younger than the woman, but there was an air of command that surrounded him.

The pair subsided into silence, watching as their leader stared over the balcony, watching the proceedings.


He sighed wearily, his head bent with the weight of his responsibilities. Laws had been broken and punishments had to be meted out. No matter how it shattered his heart to do so. “Your reservations and dissatisfaction with the entire business is well known, Boa. None shall find fault in your words or actions when everything has settled back into place.”

Boa’s gaze softened and she glided close enough to rest a gentle hand on his shoulder. There weren’t many who would dare such a bold action. Fewer still who could do so without fear of anything worse than an unhappy glance. “For once, brother....I am sorry that my predictions were accurate.”

His eyes closed against the compassion she offered, though he longed to let her cradle him close and comfort him as she had when he’d been a child. The pain was fierce, but it was less than what would come. It was far less than what he was going to inflict on the one closest to his heart.

“Yunho....” There was a sigh on his other side as his oldest friend gripped his other shoulder.

Before anything else could be said, there was a soft cough and the trio turned to see a tall figure of Yunho’s advisor hovering in the arched doorway. The gentle scholar looked weighted down by invisible chains of sorrow. “It’s time, Yunho.”

Yunho straightened and took a deep breath. Chilly calm seemed to wash away everything else and even those who knew him as well as those in the room would have been hard pressed to find evidence that there was any feeling in him at all.

Friend or brother, he was their ruler above all else.


Dark hair spilled out over white cloth. The changeling’s head was bowed low, as was befitting the condemned.

There was absolute silence throughout the courtyard.

“YoungWoong JaeJoong. Have you anything else to say?”

The barest shake of the dark head was all the response given. Yunho’s frigid expression did not change although his heart broke a little more at the resignation and defeat in the other’s posture. The wild, headstrong changeling was not meant to look like that.

“Then there is nothing more to be done. When the sun rises in the morning, your soul will be set free in the mortal world, exiled to enter the cycle of karma and reincarnation. May you find the enlightenment that failed you here.” He paused for a moment before nodding to the guards. “Take him away.”

He forced his eyes to remain open, focused on the condemned figure until it was out of sight. His final whisper went unheard. “Please forgive me, JaeJoong.”

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