fic: Outside Looking In

Aug 17, 2007 21:45

Title: Outside Looking In
Length: One-Shot
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Pairing/Characters: MinHo; Jaejoong
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.

Summary: He had no business invading their privacy... even if he couldn't quite help himself...


Jaejoong hadn't intended to follow them. Their relationship was their own business, after all. As long as it didn't effect the band, he had no say or real objections.

But no matter how many times Changmin reassured him that it was consensual, that Yunho wasn't somehow manipulating him or taking advantage of him, Jaejoong just couldn't be sure.

So what if the heated looks Yunho had cast at Changmin had been returned in full measure?

Minnie was still the baby, still someone innocent enough to need their protection.

It wasn't because he was jealous.

When they hurried off stage and through the wings, touches more obvious than usual, desperate heat in their eyes that neither even tried to hide, he couldn't help but trail along after them.

They ignored staff members and fellow musicians alike, too eager to care about appearances... Jaejoong made excuses behind them, soothing ruffled feathers and suspicions.

He lost them briefly when they'd forced their way through a crowd of musicians milling around and waiting for their turn to go on and the staff members trying to do last minute costume, hair, and make-up adjustments. He knew some of those musicians well and he didn't want to get caught up in conversation.

Bypassing the crowd gave the pair a few minutes to disappear.

Frowning, Jaejoong followed in the direction they'd been heading. They'd been far too interested in each other to worry about being sneaky, so he assumed they'd gone pretty much straight forward.

Glancing around hidden corners, checking doors, he was about to either give up or simply scream out his frustration when a loud thumping sound drew his attention. He hesitated at the edge of the hallway. He'd dismissed it when he'd passed by it before because it was nearly impassable with the racks of clothing and costumes that had been stuffed into it. He hadn't really thought they'd be bothered to take the effort to maneuver their way through the obstacle course it presented. On the other hand, now that he was looking, he could see a door on the far end that was cracked open, one of the costumes caught in it. What costumer worth their pay would leave an outfit in such a precarious position?

A quick glance around provided no other possibilities, so he sighed and faced the problem of how to get himself down the hallway without accidentally drawing attention to himself. He made a face and glanced around again to make sure no one was paying attention to him. Then he dropped to his knees and crawled under the hung clothing. His dignity was taking a hit, but protecting his family was worth it.

He was glad when he got to the door, though. His knee was not liking the abuse it suffered crawling around on the hard floor and being banged against random rack bars. The throaty sound of laughter told him he'd found his band mates.

Crouched on his knees, the racks of costumes and clothes hiding him from any random passerby, Jaejoong edged the door open a bit further as quietly as he could. Then he had to bite his lip to prevent the sound of his own surprise from escaping.

Changmin had Yunho pressed against the wall and seemed to be doing his level best to extract the older man's tonsils through his mouth.

“Can't look at me like that... out there...” Changmin muttered as he pulled away from Yunho's lips. He pulled sharply at the front of Yunho's shirt, ignoring both the ripping sound and the protests from the other. “Makes me want to fuck you right there.... In front of everyone....”

Jaejoong's eyes widened. Where on earth had Changmin picked up such language? And since when was Yunho so passive and complacent with the manhandling of his body? He was always so dominant and controlling, unwilling to let others make even the simplest decisions. It was surreal to see him surrender willingly, even eagerly to the forcefulness of their supposed 'baby'.
“Anyone could come in.” It wasn't even a half hearted protest. Yunho had one arm around Changmin's neck, pulling at his lover's clothes with just as much reckless abandon as the younger man.

Changmin flipped Yunho around and pressed hard against his back, free hand working at Yunho's pants. “You'd like that, wouldn't you?”

“Careful!” Yunho yelped. As tight as their stage pants were, having them yanked down wouldn't feel all that great even if he wasn't aroused.

But Changmin ignored the protest, pushing the obstructing clothing down to Yunho's knees.

Jaejoong bit his lip and pulled back for a moment. He shouldn't be watching this. And - he glared down at his own lap - he definitely should not be getting aroused by it.

Then Yunho made a sound that hit Jaejoong straight in the groin and he was helplessly pulled forward again, one hand pulling at his own zipper. It would be embarrassing if he ended up having to explain to anyone exactly how and why he'd gotten cum on his pants, a result he feared if Yunho kept making those sounds.

Their youngest had gotten his own pants partially down - the sight of his shapely backside distracted Jaejoong from everything else for a moment before he shook his head - and was biting at Yunho's neck again as he worked fingers into the older man's ass. And he was still talking. “-turns you on.... I can see the way you watch him....” He grabbed a fistful of Yunho's hair and forced Yunho's face close enough for a bruising kiss. The angle was awkward and Jaejoong knew it had to have hurt, but Yunho only moaned into the kiss.

It was strange watching Yunho be so submissive to anyone, never mind Changmin, but Jaejoong couldn't deny it was also extremely hot. He wrapped a hand around his member and bit down on his lip to prevent himself from making any sound that could bring himself to their attention. Not that they didn't seem far too distracted to have noticed if every musician in the show turned up and started making commentary.

“Maybe we should ask him to join us,” Changmin was saying as he let go of Yunho's hair to snag a condom out of his pants. He rolled it on, letting out his breath in a hiss before leaning in and nibbling at Yunho's ear. The tip of his dick was pressed tight against Yunho's entrance, but he didn't actually move to push in. “Do you think he would?”

“I think you talk too fucking much,” Yunho ground out, pushing back impatiently.

Laughing, Changmin nipped sharply at Yunho. “So touchy when the subject of Jaejoong comes up.... But... far be it for me to keep you waiting...”

Hearing his own name, Jaejoong was almost too startled to appreciate it when Changmin slammed forward, taking Yunho in one hard stroke.

There was a curse from Yunho as his face very nearly slammed into the wall, but he still didn't protest the treatment. Instead he settled closer to the wall, his forearms against it to brace himself and prevent any more encounters between his nose and the unforgiving plaster.

Changmin gave him no chance to adjust or recover. Both of his hands gripped Yunho's hips with bruising force as he pulled almost completely out before slamming hard into Yunho again. Yunho wasn't complaining though. Far from it, he was muttering encouragement inbetween pleasured mewls. His head was against his arms, tilted towards Jaejoong, his expression euphoric.

Their pace was fast and hard and Jaejoong couldn't help but work his own member with the same ferocity. Unfortunately, he didn't quite have the same freedom of movement or traction as the lovers in their private haven.

Jaejoong muttered a curse as his foot slipped slightly, almost sending him face first into the door, and froze instantly when the sound drew Changmin's attention.

The younger man jerked to a stop and stared hard at the door. He was looking high, rather than low where Jaejoong was crouched, but the lead singer couldn't help but pull slightly back once he got himself steady again. If they found him there, dick out as he watched them, he'd never live down the humiliation.

When Changmin actually moved to disentangle their bodies so that he could investigate, he was stopped short, though. Yunho reached back and grabbed his arms, pulling them around his own body and holding tight.

“I heard something,” Changmin muttered, though his attention was already refocusing on Yunho.

“We're at work, there's dozens of people out there....” Yunho pointed out breathlessly as he rocked back against Changmin. “I'm surprised there isn't more noise.”

“I know, but-.”

He was interrupted by Yunho again. “No buts. Ignore it.”

Jaejoong was a little relieved, actually. It was the first time since they'd left the stage that they were actually acting more like the Changmin and Yunho that he knew.

Changmin slid one arm up to rest against Yunho's chest and pressed a kiss against his lover's cheek. When he began moving again, the movements were less harsh. The desperate rush from before had been replaced by surety and smoothness.

His hand slid over Yunho's chest, questing, only to be grabbed as the older man whined his name in warning. He ignored it though and nipped hard at Yunho's neck.

“There's nothing wrong with your chest,” Changmin whispered, nuzzling the short hair. “I like it...”

For a moment, Jaejoong's eyes slipped closed. Though the angle and cloth had obscured his view, it was too easy to visualize Yunho's chest, to imagine what it would be like to suckle both nipples into hard peaks. He had to bite back a moan as his hand slid over his own nipples briefly on its way down to his dick.

Then Yunho made those little needy sounds again and he opened his eyes to watch.

Changmin was murmuring something in Yunho's ear, too soft for Jaejoong to hear. He took one of Yunho's hands and guided it down until it was wrapped around Yunho's own erection.

“Can't you imagine it?” Changmin asked, his voice husky but audible once more. After a few strokes, his hands returned to gripping Yunho's hips and the gentle rocking became more urgent. “His sweet... dirty little mouth... wrapped around you....”

Yunho's head fell back against Changmin's shoulder and his hand tightened, moving faster as Changmin continued to paint the picture - not just in Yunho's mind, but in Jaejoong's as well. He could practically taste Yunho's heady flavor against his tongue.

His eyes fell shut again and he let Changmin weave his words around them all, Yunho's strangled mewls of pleasure providing an underlying soundtrack.

The orgasm hit him hard and he was sure he cried out, but Yunho had not been far behind him and his own exclamations covered Jaejoong's.

The eldest forced his eyes open, hoping to see Yunho's face slack with the pleasure and satiation, but Yunho had his face buried against Changmin's jawline.

He did get to see Changmin's expression as the younger man thrust hard one final time and orgasm washed over him.

As the pair slumped forward, both trying to catch their breath but still whispering quiet words of love and comfort, Jaejoong glanced away. He was invading their privacy in the worst way.

He shouldn't be there.

Quickly he buttoned himself back up and made a face at the mess on the floor. A few tugs managed to snag one of the plainer looking outfits - one that he knew for sure wasn't a DBSK costume - and he mopped it up as best he could before stuffing the soiled cloth inside a different costume. With luck no one would find it for a while.

He cast one last wistful look into the room and then eased his way back out of the costuming racks as quickly and as quietly as he could.

Standing up, he straightened his hair and hoped that no one would question the dusty state of his pants. People would be looking for them, he knew. There were things they were supposed to be doing after the concert - things that did not include sex.

He glanced back and took a deep breath.

Maybe he could buy them a few extra minutes of privacy.

The End
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