Random Fic Rant

Oct 21, 2011 05:55

So, I've been reading a lot of fic lately that's not KPop related and it always annoys me how hard it is to find some of my favorite pairings. It's like... I cannot be the only person that ships some of these! Sometimes I like the more plentiful pairings, but all too often my preferences lean towards the harder to find, rarer pairings. Bah.

There were others, but I'm too lazy to remember them right now.

Those fandoms that leave me crying because it's so hard to find my preferred pairing -

Stargate Atlantis: Ronon Dex/Rodney McKay. I love this pairing. I loved it even before I saw David Hewlett refer to them as the Romeo&Juliet of SGA. I loved it even more after that. Before Ronon came onto the show, I just didn't like Rodney paired with anyone. I never got the whole John/Rodney pairing. John is one of those rare characters that I actually prefer to see paired heterosexually. I like him with Teyla or Elizabeth. (mostly just Teyla, though) It's so hard to find fic for Ronon/Rodney, though. There are less than 50 in existence and of those, only about half are what I consider 're-readable'. lol. One of those I've read so many times I can almost quote it word for word.

Bones: Sealy Booth/Zack Addy. I hated what they did with Zach's character. Absolutely loathed it. Yeah, okay, I get that with the constant pointing out that Zach shared many characteristics with the stereotypical serial killer it was going to happen, but I really wish they hadn't gone there. I'd have much rather seen him to the surprising thing and not gotten immersed in sinister evil plots. Also, I cannot stand the idea of putting Booth and Bones together romantically. Their friendship works so well without romance. I really hate it when the writers ruin a perfectly good BFF relationship between a male and a female lead just because it's the expected thing. Be original! Let them keep their BFFery! I know less than 10 fics of this pairing. ;_; seriously. Do you know how sad that is?

Andromeda: Dylan Hunt/Seamus Harper. Admittedly, the show started killing my interested in the middle of S2, but god I miss the characterizations in S1 and early S2 and the one author I know who used to write this pairing was... amazing. *sighs* Then she started preferring Tyr/Harper (which, to be fair, is understandable considering how annoying Dylan got once Kevin Sorbo took over as director) and the Dylan/Harper fell to the wayside. Also, it's hard to find any fic at all for this show.

Dresdon Files: Thomas Raith/Harry Dresdon. Yes, they're half-brothers. I get that. But before Harry realizes that, there's plenty of time for him to be attracted. And there are several indications that Harry can totally get why people are all over Thomas besides his vampire allure. And honestly, I like Wincest. Brotherhood is not exactly a turn-off for me in a set of characters. And it's not like the White Court discourages familial smexing. Sure, I can see Harry grappling with it some, but Thomas? Doubtful.

ANY COLD CASE FIC AT ALL. God. The stupid show isn't on dvd either. This is my favorite cop show and it insists on making my life difficult.

Those fandoms where the pairing isn't exactly rare, but it's not exactly plentiful-

Criminal Minds: Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid. I liked this pairing before I even liked this show. Seriously, I caught part of a random episode while I was at work. I didn't know what show it was or who any of the characters were, but in the half hour I watched, I walked away thinking to myself "wow, I can't believe there's a cop show with a canon gay pairing. nice. i'm impressed." Of course, once I began watching the show, I realized that it's not exactly canon since Morgan is supposed to be a ladies man, but still. There's enough there to make a case for it being subtle canon and I am still impressed.

X-Men: Logan/Scott.. This is mostly movieverse because comicverse, I actually prefer Scott/Jean or Scott/Jean/Logan. But movie verse Jean had the personality of cardboard and Logan and Scott had far more actual chemistry.

Leverage: Eliot Spencer/Alec Hardison. I like Hardison and Parker together, I do. But this is my guilty pleasure. :x

Those rare fandoms where I can find what I want easily -

Merlin - Arthur/Merlin remains one of the most popular pairings in the show, though it's beginning to slow as canon makes it a more and more difficult pairing to maintain unless you want to go so far into AU territory that it's only barely Merlin.

Sherlock - Sherlock/John will forever be the OTP near-canon pairing in this series. John could get married to Sarah and Sherlock could stay at home with his work and they'd still be OTP and almost everyone who writes for it knows it.

Glee - Kurt/Blaine. Gotta love flat out canon gay pairings. No need to read into the subtext at all. <3

due South - Fraser/RakK. God I love Paul Gross. And Callum Keith Rennie is a god all his own in my book. Throw the two of them together... I will admit that they were actually my very first RPS pairing back when I was naive enough to think that other people didn't have such horrible minds and freakish desires. I know, right? shut up. ^^;; This is probably the biggest pairing in the show and considering that they rode off together into the sunset at the series end, well... they're so canon it's beautiful. I do wish there was more new fic. Pretty sure I've read everything out there in the years since the show went off the air. Some new stuff crops up, but largely it's not nearly as well written as the old stuff.

random, rant

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