Dear Santa Letter for Dresden Fic Exchange

Oct 20, 2011 20:22

Dear Santa,

Because I'm a forgetful thing, I don't really remember what I asked for. Oops?

I'm relatively sure there was something about Thomas/Harry because I'm odd like that and a Harry&Murphy friendship thing because I love those and I absolutely remember asking for an xover with Merlin because that sort of thing is what awesome is made of~<3

But details, pesky little details.... Ah well~

The first thing I should say is that I'm two books behind in the series. I don't mind being spoiled, but I doubt I'd be able to appreciate the finer references to anything that happens in those two books until RL settles down and I have time to go out and buy them.

While I'm not a new Dresden Files fan (I worked in a book store back when they first started coming out) I am new to the fandom, so unfortunately, I don't have any written Dresden fics or saved faves in my journal to really help you out very much. My reading tastes tend to be similar regardless of fandom, though, so maybe what is here will be helpful?

Things that may make me cry in a bad way - Johnny Marcone and Harry Dresden romantically/sexually involved. It's about the only pairing in the entire fandom that actually makes me cringe. I DON'T KNOW WHY. it just does.
Angst. It's Christmas. I don't want angst. Please? Pretty please? Drama? Sure. Violence? Okay. Sex? if you must. But please, please, please. I beg you. No dripping angst. No permanent character death, no self-mutilation (that isn't for a spell). I have enough angst in my RL, I don't want it in my Christmas presents.
Kink. I admit it. I'm a vanilla bean. I don't mind if sex slips into it, but it's probably best not to bother since my tastes are so plain.

Things that I love - character interaction. I especially love it when the male and female leads stay BFFs and don't let pesky crap like romance get between them. I'm a slash fan at heart. I'm a fan of specific incest pairings, obviously. I love BBC's Merlin and how easy he is to cross into just about any magical/supernatural fandom out there. In those cases, BAMFyetWise!Merlin is a helluva lot of fun and I'd love to see him interact with Harry&Co.

For the Harry/Thomas possibilities, it can be subtle. It doesn't have to be in-your-face blatant. It could even be speculation from an outside source - Merlin, Bob, Murphy, Lea, a girl at the salon... whatever. ^_^

I'm actually fairly easy to please.

If you've got any questions or need any clarification or whatever, feel free to ask. I don't mind~<3


dresden files, secret santa

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