drabble: Twenty Years into Forever

Feb 10, 2011 22:53

Title: Twenty Years into Forever
Length: drabble
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: g
Genre: fluff, au
Pairing/Characters: Dooseob
Warnings: RPS
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.

Comments/Notes: So I put on my ITunes, queued up every love song I could find, and just started writing. This is one of several Valentine's drabbles that I'll be posting over the weekend.

Summary: There's a first time for everything.


The first Valentine’s Day gift Doojoon ever received was from Yoseob. A year older, Doojoon had started school an entire year earlier - something that Yoseob had been inconsolable about for months - and when Valentine’s Day had rolled around, Doojoon had dutifully decorated his tissue box to take to school along with the small bag of Transformer Valentine’s Day cards his mother had bought for him to give out.

Before he could actually leave that morning, Yoseob had rushed over from the house next door and shoved something into his hands before running away again. They’d eaten the heart-shaped cookies once he’d gotten back home, but the hand-made card with it’s crude heart and almost illegible scribbles was still tucked away in the box of treasure he kept hidden in his closet.

Their entire lives had followed the pattern set that day. Yoseob had initiated each step of their relationship and Doojoon had followed along, happily willing.

At the grand age of nine, Yoseob had been the one to face down their parents and inform them that no silly girl was going to take his Doojoon away ever and they’d better just get used to it.

Yoseob had kissed him for the first time two years later right after they’d had one of their rare fights, taking his older sister’s advice to ‘kiss and make up’ far more literally than she’d ever intended him to. It had worked, though. Doojoon had been too surprised to stay angry.

Five years later, no one was particularly surprised when Yoseob showed up as Doojoon’s date to the senior formal despite rules against both his gender and his underclassman status. It was just the sort of brazen thing that only Yoseob could ever get away with.

College didn’t change things much except the jokes their friends made. Yoseob went from being his ‘pushy girlfriend’ to his ‘pushy wife’, a good-humored jab that usually made the younger man roll his eyes.

For twenty years, Doojoon had been content to follow Yoseob's lead in their relationship.

All the firsts in their relationship could be pinned on Yoseob. From that first valentine to their first kiss and their first date to the first apartment they'd shared.

Every first except this.

Doojoon smiled secretly as he fingered the small velvet box in his pocket.

This first was all his.


Note: I rather expect that the title is also the ring's inscription - Twenty Years into Forever. But maybe not. :x Doojoon would be more creative than me, I'm sure.

doojoon, drabble, dooseob

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