Title: Jealousy part 2 (Gikwang)
Length: one-shot
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: pg-13
Genre: humor, romance
Pairing/Characters: implications all over the place, not much actual loving going on, tho - DooSeob, JunSeob, DooWoon, KiSeung, KiSeob...
Warnings: RPS
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.
Comments/Notes: Right, so... I am doing my best not to write multi-chaptered fic in this fandom. I don't want to make promises I can't deliver and I can't swear that my attention span for any given idea can stay focused long enough for anything long and drawn out. Anyone who has read my DBSK fic... Or back in the day when I wrote w-inds. and Gackt fic, can tell you that it's just a baaaad idea. It's not uncommon for long involved plots to take me 2 or 3 years to finish if I manage to at all. Still... >_> I couldn't leave this idea alone and I suspect that I will write at least one, if not two more bits to this.
Also, my actual beta is working at Fanime right now, so this was looked over by a secondary. If there are mistakes, I'm sorry~ ^^;;
Part 1 Summary:
Gikwang helps out where he can.
“Hey, Seobie!”
Gikwang glanced up over the top of his manga at the sound of Doojoon’s voice.
Yoseob had frozen in the middle of grabbing his coat. He’d obviously been trying to get out of the apartment without anyone else catching him. Gikwang recognized the deer-in-a-headlights look on his face. There was a moment of obvious panic before the look smoothed away and he turned to face their band leader with a wide grin. “Oh, hey! I didn’t see you there….”
They had the day off, so Gikwang had decided to use the time to catch up on the manga series that one of their stylists kept insisting was absolutely amazing. His other bandmates were also littered around the apartment - minus Junhyung who’d been gone by the time Gikwang had even woken up.
“Obviously.” Doojoon abandoned the card game he’d been playing with Dongwoon and stood up, looking at Yoseob hopefully. “Did you want to catch a movie today? That new one you wanted to see came out on Friday…”
For a moment, Yoseob seemed to hesitate, indecision on his face. Then Dongwoon spoke up, obviously trying to help and just as obviously oblivious to the actual issue. “Yeah, I saw the longer trailer last night. It looks like it’s going to be amazing!”
Whether he meant to imply that he was going along with them or not, Gikwang could see that was how Yoseob took it. His smile got a little stiff and he shook his head. “No, thanks. I’m spending the day with Junhyung. In fact, I’m already late meeting up with him, so bye!”
From his corner, Gikwang sighed as he watched Yoseob run off leaving a pouting Doojoon staring after him.
He hesitated for a moment before sighing again and putting his manga aside. He was well aware that he wasn’t the smartest member of the band, but being on the outside of the relationship tangles had its advantages.
It was his duty as best friend and brother to all the involved parties to steer things in the right direction.
Besides, he was an actor. He was the perfect person to make it all work.
“Well… That’s good, I suppose,” Gikwang declared loudly, standing up and making a show of looking at the door Yoseob had just vanished out of.
Doojoon and Dongwoon stared at him for a moment while Hyunseung just grinned.
“How is that good?” Doojoon finally asked, sounding grumpy and annoyed. “Yoseob has been avoiding me all week. Any time we have a chance to hang out, he’s always with Junhyung.”
Gikwang wondered if Doojoon had any idea just how jealous he was. Yoseob had lasted through months of watching Doojoon turn him down for Dongwoon before his own jealousy had become so obvious and vocal. Yoseob wasn’t nearly as self-deluded as Doojoon was, though, and he supposed that made the difference. “It’s good that he’s over his crush on you. I was starting to worry about him.” He let them digest that before continuing, this time adopting a look of concern and doubt. “I’m not sure Junhyung is a better choice, though. He’s awfully straight, too.”
“Wait, wait, wait-” Hands waving in the air, Doojoon closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again and staring at Gikwang with bewilderment. “What.. I mean… You were… Yoseob is… Really?”
“You didn’t know?” Gikwang arched a brow and put his hands on his hips. “It’s not like we’ve hidden it from any of you.”
Both Doojoon and Dongwoon gaped long enough that Gikwang started to get uncomfortable. They really hadn’t tried to be particularly discreet, and he knew both Junhyung and Hyunseung were fully aware of their preferences, but maybe they’d misjudged just how blind their other bandmates could be. “What?!”
“You… You and Yoseob like… boys? But I thought you were dating that trainee girl a few months ago…” They didn’t look disgusted, thankfully, just really, really confused, so Gikwang relaxed a bit more.
“Yoseob and I were each other’s first kiss. He’s only ever really been interested in guys, as far as I know.” He shrugged. “I haven’t decided which I like more, though.”
“You like anyone who pays attention to you,” Hyunseung inserted from the kitchen bar where he was trying to open something. They still got nagged about his lack of weight from time to time, but Gikwang wasn’t sure what more management really expected them to do. Hyunseung ate more than the rest of the band combined - even without encouragement - but it all seemed to vanish somewhere between his mouth and his stomach. It certainly never solidified into the weight that he was supposed to be gaining.
“That’s not true.”
“Wait a minute, you knew?” Doojoon asked, twisting around to stare at Hyunseung who just shrugged.
“Of course. I’m not stupid.” like you was left unsaid, but heard by all anyways.
Dongwoon leaned back in his chair. “And you’re okay with it?”
Hyunseung arched a brow as he gave up on the jar. “Why shouldn’t I be? It’s not like they’re crawling into my bed and molesting me in my sleep. Besides….” He carried the jar over to Gikwang and smiled prettily, offering it up with a sweet look. “Please?”
Even though he knew he was being manipulated, Gikwang couldn’t help but smile back and open the jar. Hyunseung made his heart flutter in ways no one else - male or female - had ever managed and the older boy wasn’t above using it against him. Luckily, it was never used for anything particularly malicious. “H-here you go…”
“Thank you, Kiki~” Hyunseung turned back to display the jar with a flourish. “It makes my life easier. And I know when Gikwang gets all stuttery and fluttery with me, it’s not because he thinks I’m a girl.”
Dongwoon scowled. “One time. That happened one time, back when we’d just met, but you’re never going to let it go are you?”
Hyunseung didn’t even pretend to think about it. “Nope.”
“Hey! Don’t call him that! Apologize!” Though he looked annoyed about it, Dongwoon settled back down and gave a grumbled sorry. Satisfied, Gikwang turned back to Doojoon. “So yes, we both like boys. Do you have a problem with that?”
Doojoon shook his head, but Gikwang wasn’t sure he was really listening. He wasn’t really sure which part the rapper had gotten stuck on - that Yoseob was gay, had kissed Gikwang, had had a crush on Doojoon, or was apparently moving on to Junhyung - but at least he was thinking about it.
That was all Gikwang could really do for his friends. Anything else would have to be up to them.