fic: Jealousy {Yoseob-centric}

May 22, 2010 23:36

Title: Jealousy
Length: one-shot
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: pg
Genre: humor, crack
Pairing/Characters: one-sided DooSeob, speculated DooWoon, sort of JunSeob, hinted GiSeung?
Warnings: RPS
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.

Comments/Notes: Inspired by this picture and the switch of couple the fanservice has been focused on lately. The title is the most singularly uninspired thing I’ve ever come up with, but yeah… >_> Brain dead, I think.

Summary: Yoseob wasn’t jealous… really.


Yoseob wasn’t jealous.

He was a nice guy, easy-going and well-liked. He had lots of friends and if Doojoon suddenly wanted to start hanging out with someone else, that was his right.

It wasn’t like Yoseob had exclusive rights to Doojoon’s time, after all.

It wasn’t like they were dating.

Nevermind that he’d been tossing the idea around in his head for a while now, wondering if the older man would take him seriously or laugh it off as a joke.

Nevermind that for months, Doojoon had given him every indication that he understood Yoseob’s growing feelings and reciprocated them.

Nevermind that even beyond the messy implications of possible romance, he was supposed to be Doojoon’s best friend and had hardly gotten to spend any time at all with him except for those few days they’d spent in Los Angeles.

Yoseob scowled from the sidelines as he watched Doojoon and Dongwoon ham it up in front of the camera yet again.

He wasn’t sure when they’d decided that ‘DooWoon’ should be the newest fad in fanservice while ‘DooSeob’ got regulated to the background but he didn’t like it.

When Dongwoon grinned at Doojoon and looped their arms together, leaning in close for another picture, Yoseob had finally had enough with torturing himself. He made his excuses to their manager and slipped out of the room.

And if he slammed the door a little on his way out, well… He doubted if ‘DooWoon’ even noticed.

Maybe he was a little jealous.

He was barely aware of where his feet took him or where he stopped, scowling and replaying a hundred tiny moments over the last few weeks - moments that should have been fun or exciting or at least routine and had instead been more of the same torture of watching Doojoon and Dongwoon get cozier and cozier. “Stupid.”

“If looks could kill, that vending machine would be nothing more than smoldering plastic.”

Yoseob startled and jerked sideways as a hand landed against his shoulder.

Junhyung clucked his tongue and shook his head. “You shouldn’t let it get to you this way, Seobie. You know it’s just fanservice.”

His scowl returned and he ignored the older man, deliberately turning his back and digging through his pockets to see if he had enough change for one of the energy drinks. He’d stopped drinking them months back when the combined nagging of his band mates (who drank Coke which wasn’t a lot better in his opinion) had finally gotten official backing from his doctor.

“Fuck,” he muttered, wanting to kick the machine when turned up a few coins short. It just wasn’t his day.

Beside him, Junhyung sighed and took the change from him, depositing it into the machine along with a few out of his own pocket. He made a face and hesitated for a moment before pushing the dreaded energy drink. “One. I won’t nag you about one. But if I catch you drinking another….”

Yoseob’s lips twitched slightly and for the first time in a while without a camera in front of him, he had a hard time suppressing the smile that wanted to escape. He fetched the drink and popped the top, taking a long drink. It had been long enough since he’d had one that he figured he’d be bouncing off the walls within the hour. A nice false cheer to fake the fans out with. Just what the day called for. “Thanks.”

“Eh, one won’t kill you… Probably.”

They shared a grin before Yoseob sighed, fiddling with the top. “I don’t think I can stand watching them like this much longer, hyung… Fanservice or real, it fucking hurts.”

“So stop watching them. Do some fanservice of your own. Hell, you might end up pleasantly surprised and Doojoon will be as jealous as you are.”

Yoseob considered it as he took another sip. “Yeah, but with who? You’re straight, Hyunseung is in his own head more of then not and Gikwang is… Gikwang.”

It wasn’t a bad thing, necessarily. Yoseob loved Gikwang just as he was, but the entire band considered Gikwang to be their adorably flamboyant, attention-whoring little brother (even Dongwoon) and they all knew that. It was hard to turn to Gikwang for fanservice and maintain a straight face for very long. The only one who could do it successfully was Hyunseung and Yoseob had always thought Hyunseung was a little weird in the head anyways.

“I love that I’m the only one in the entire band that gets written off for being straight,” Junhyung said wryly amused.

“Well, that’s because the rest of us are at least a little bent.”

“I think I’m offended that you don’t think I can do bent.”

Yoseob’s lips twitched, both at the turn of phrase and at the sheer ridiculousness of the conversation. “Fine. I suppose I can work with what you have to offer.”

“Damned by faint praise, you know Seobie, this will be doubly good for you. First, you can make Doojoon as jealous as you already are and second, you can finally learn how to talk to the object of your affections - without offending them - from a master.”

Yoseob laughed out loud then, clinging to Junhyung as they finally made their way back to the studio room where they’d left the rest of the band. “Yeah, yeah. Should I start calling you Master Joker?”

“I think maybe you should, oh lowly apprentice.” Junhyung slipped an arm around him and paused at the door, the joking manner replaced by seriousness. “Just ignore them, okay? It won’t work if Doojoon realizes you’re trying to make him jealous.”

Rolling his eyes, Yoseob poked Junhyung’s side before wrapping both arms around his middle and snuggling close. “I’m not an idiot, you know. It’s not like I want everyone to realize this mess is driving me insane.”

“Luckily for you, everyone already assumes you’re insane, so no one has really noticed yet.”


They fell into the room like that, Junhyung laughing and trying to fend off Yoseob’s affronted tickle attack.

Everyone gaped at them for a moment then Gikwang gave a whooping war cry and joined the fray, grabbing hold of Junhyung’s arms and pinning him down for easier access.

It felt amazing to laugh again and Yoseob promised himself that even if it didn’t work in the end and he had to deal with ‘DooWoon’ for the rest of their career, he would remember that he still had other friends who were happy to make him forget about it for a while.



beast, angst, dooseob, yoseob, fic

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