Feb 01, 2008 20:24
Today is Ruki's birthday... Oh yeah, I need to do that drawing. xD
Self defense... I think I'm going to end up with a lot of injuries this year. I'm already bruising up- the one on my wrist is this lovely purple color. xD Good thing we don't have it everyday or my wrists may as well be permanently red from wrist grabs. Because Mei-chan fails at them, and we need to do it multiple times.
Capture. Push. Lock. Step in. Cause injury.
I enjoy doing government homework. It's just one long rant.
I seriously need to stop playing digimon. It's more addicting than Pokemon. *flails* I have a Veemon now! I named him Gackt! I want him to digivolve into ExVeemon. x3 I'm wondering when I'm going to run out of J-Rockers I know, and have to start naming them after American artists. xD I already have a Frank (MCR), and the next one I convert is probably going to end up as a Pete, or a Gerard.
Sent out my application to SVA. I had all the papers in a college of Saint Rose folder, and long story short my mom sent that too. *paniced flail* My X-Japan folder is gone! I must print upon more things!
My concentration for art is going to be gesture drawings. Only I'm screwed because I have edge-phobia and I'm predjudice against objects in my view, apparantly. xD Still, I get like twenty things in one day, and I'm officially a tree color killer with the amount of paper I'm going through over these things.