Triple Crown Raffle Prizes: SMALL KNITS

Mar 01, 2022 00:05


First, congratulations on either winning 3c or for completing a pinch hit! I know how tough it is, both if you're in and completing an assignment, or if you're pinch-hitting on a short deadline. This post contains details of the raffle prizes I am now offering which is: SMALL KNITS. Yes, I am aware this is vague, but I really could not think of anything else, and anyway, I hope you're excited!

So first, to whet everyone's appetites, here are pictures of some things I've recently knitted!

Last year's raffle prize!

A pretty neck cowl!

A pretty scarf!

Another pretty neck cowl!

A pretty shawl!


What did I win?

You have won a Small Knit! I will custom-knit you a Small Knit, in the colours of your choice, in the pattern of your choice!

What is a Small Knit?

For the purposes of this raffle, I'm declaring that a small knit is a hat, scarf/shawl, mittens or cowl that takes less than 2 100g skeins of yarn to knit. How much yarn is in 100g depends on the weight of the yarn--in fingering-weight yarn (often used for socks or lace), a 100g skein is about 400m, but it could be as low as 150m for worsted-weight yarn, which is used for scarves/winter wear. With 2 skeins of yarn, you're also limited to 2 colours, most likely.

As you can see, I love doing stranded colourwork, though I'm not bad at aran knitting (cables) either, and I'm okay at lacework. Happy to do any of these things! I am, regrettably, quite terrible at shaped and structured things which means unless you want Very Floppy Socks, I recommend not asking me for socks (I would try very hard, but they would be quite floppy. That is why Socks are not a Small Knit here).

What yarn are you using?

I'm planning on picking up yarn from Knitpicks for these projects, though if you say "surprise me!" I might jump into my stash. Overall, this likely means I'll be using either Knitpicks Palette, Chroma, or Wool of the Andes, which are their main lines if you want to actually go dive into their colour catalogues (you do not need to do this. You can absolutely say "BLUE" and I will pick a blue yarn for you, etc). Most of these yarns will be wool or a wool blend--if you have any allergies or sensitivities, please let me know I will order yarn that is not wool/wool-based/does not include the allergen!

How should I pick a pattern? I don't know anything about knitting and I just want a pretty!

You have these options

1. If you're crafty, you can head onto Ravelry and scout a pattern for yourself! I'll take a look and decide whether it's within the parameters or within my ability and let you know. I don't mind spending a small amount of money on a nice pattern. Or, if you like one of the pictures above, I can just make that for you too.

2. If you're not interested in that, you can tell me what you like and I'll pop onto Ravelry myself, scout out some patterns, and throw them at you for your perusal and selection!

3. You can tell me your colours/yarn allergies and answer me these 5 questions and I'll surprise you!
  • Describe your vibe.
  • What fandom were you most into during this triple crown period?
  • Pick one: Art or Design?
  • Pick one: Fantasy or Science Fiction?
  • Pick one: Dinosaurs or Cephalopods?
Please note that this one might end up being truly surprising, called I might break some of my own parameters here (most likely for colours), or I might dive into my existing yarn stash, etc. If you pick this, please do let me know about any yarn sensitivities so I can go around them!

Do you have any DNWs?

I reserve the right to veto patterns that might be outside parameters or outside my skill ability, but I'm absolutely not going to make offensive knits with slogans that are racist, sexist, political, etc. No Make America Great Again hats for anyone, sorry.

Good luck in the raffles!


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