A Token of Friendship - Foxie Writer (2011)

Mar 28, 2011 00:55

Artwork © DigitSlayer - Commissioned by GoldenBoiBlaze

"Hmm... Not quite sure which verb could work... Is it morning yet, guys?"


"Again?!!... Come on!" -_-U

* * *
At my teenage years, I was dreaming of becoming a filmmaker...

I didn't have any story or characters of my own back then... But I had some ideas in my pocket, despite a few of those ideas were a lot better than the rest of them.

(I just wonder what would had happened if I had penned down my amateurish Star Fox tale =P...)

Some years later, and barely noticing it, I was an adult-but-naive college student who was dropping out of a career in Architecture (after two semesters of hating it), for beginning my studies in the School of Social Communication of the Central University of Venezuela... Besides dreaming of being a filmmaker, I had being interested in Journalism since my pre-adolescence years as well. And, due to filmmaking was part of the School of Social Communication's pensum, I thought I was heading to the right direction...

Fortunately, I was... Despite the "rushed" filmmaking subject taught there was going to become in such a disappointment -_-U.

Ten years ago -long before the aforementioned disappointment-, at my first semester in the School of Social Communication, on December of 2000..., the definitive character, along with an early sketch of the definitive plot, struck on me as hard as a bolt of lighting! =O.O=

But I wasn't a filmmaker yet, obviously. I didn't have a script, I didn't have a cast, I didn't have a filmmaking company..., and I SO didn't have millions of dollars for expending them on sets and special effects! o.O;;

(Expensive Sci-Fi Ideas are Expensive, don't cha' think? XP)

Besides, I was living in Venezuela and -despite I hadn't realized it yet- both the local film industry and the local moviegoer audience could be far from interested in a project like mine...

(Science Fiction was not precisely a "mainstream" genre at home T_T.)

However, I was dying of getting myself down to work! DX

Then, unexpectedly and quicker than I thought, I found a way..., one that wasn't exactly what I had in mind...

Thanks to Eloi Yagüe -I think this is the first time I talk about him in this blog-, a pretty kind, experienced and respected writer who gave me classes of Venezuelan literature at first semester, and who also would become a good friend of mine, I was growing more and more interested in the written word as a form of storytelling... So I thought it was a good idea to pen down my newfound tale as a novel, before trying of turning it into a feature film in a near future...

(So that's what I thought, at least...)

However, my experience as a writer was little-to-zero by then, something that made me pretty anxious to open the word processor, grab my PC's keyboard and get the hell started once for all -I had phobia of typewriters as well, for making things worst, thanks to a bi***y teacher from my high school years T_T-. So I decided to talk with Professor Yagüe and ask him some advice about what I could do about it.

Thus, when we were talking, Professor Yagüe just gave me one of the most simple and useful advices I've ever got in my life...

(Just the most simple, best words I've heard...)

"Begin to write now! Don't wait for anything", he said...

...And so I did.

* * *
Ten years later, karmadi11o commissioned to DigitSlayer a piece that he gave me as a gift some months ago..., the piece I'm sharing with all of you today in this post, folks..., for celebrating a decade after I decided to pursue a career as a writer, just for the shake of the definitive character and the definitive plot I was lucky to find at that time...

(It has been the most frustrating, worrisome and fulfilling decade of learning, if you ask me =3...)

GoldenBoi'..., really, thanks a lot for this piece *^_^*... And thanks a lot for you too, Digit' *^_^*... That image summarizes pretty well ten years of exciting days and nights of hard work... Really, thank you so much, guys! X3

Well, to be honest..., I'm still not sure if, as a writer, I'm gonna be successful, or even famous..., or at least notorious, if you allow me to quote Oscar Wilde... But now, after all, I'm getting closer of finding it out... And I'm hoping the best for my work, of course =)...

(Jey, sorry for asking it so suddenly... Are you still interested in becoming a filmmaker as before?)

Well... I'm not sure about that, Mr. inner self... I'm not sure I'm needing to become a filmmaker anymore... I've spent a lot of years working on my writing career..., and I feel very, but very happy with the decision I made...

(I see...)


(All right... I listen you! =D)

Ask me the same question in ten years from now, okay? ;-)

(As you wish ;-D... We still don't know what would happen by then.)

Who knows for sure?! XP

Remember, don't hesitate in delivering always the good old try, folks =D...

And, like I've promised myself long ago, keep your talent alive!! =^_^=

digitslayer, furry, kitsunejey, Eloi Yagüe, chibi, gift art, writer, goldenboiblaze, friendship

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