Oct 09, 2015 12:00
Thu, 13:45 : Finally arrived. Exactly 7 working days since notification of being sent. Good job our first home… https://t.co/HGzZuHaooI Thu, 13:52 : congrats to @ RIQUESILVA_33 on finally getting his citizenship!! #goraor Thu, 19:36 : i don't want to get too excited, but given we were written off before the season started, we appear to be killing it 2nite. #goroar #WSWvBRI Thu, 20:50 : the new bond theme makes me want to kill myself. how bland #bond #007 #spectre Thu, 20:51 : its clear that daniel craig is leaving the franchise because sam smith killed it with the #spectre theme #WritingsOnTheWall #007 #JamesBond Thu, 21:30 : SUCCESS!! http://t.co/1F5Mj7rjNs Thu, 22:03 : that 2kg i lost this week from good eating, and fitness stuff? yeah, guarantee i put it all back on today eating and doing nothing Thu, 22:05 : bacon, haloumi, beer, pasta, cheese, wine. yeah, no way i've not gained it all back. i'll lose it on the weekend: 48 hour work fest Thu, 22:44 : hearing peter capaldi say "fart" brightens my day more than it should. Thu, 23:06 : FYI to those attempting scottish accents: regardless of popular opinion, we are capable of pronouncing the letter "T" in words.