Christmas fic/drabble request meme

Dec 06, 2005 19:47

Well, hey. So Christmas is coming up so I thought I'd do the traditional fic/drabble/whatever meme in lieu of actual presents. (Because I'm cheap and poor, but mainly because I'm cheap. :D)

The rules:

If you'd like me to write you a drabble/fic as a Christmas present leave a comment with the fandom, character(s)/pairing(s) and an idea, theme, line of dialogue or a prompt of some kind. As for the fandoms/series I'm willing write check my information page here. I'm also willing to write about fandoms/series I may have mentioned elsewhere in my LJ. (Keep in mind that the more comfortable I am with a series/fandom means that I'll probably wind up writing more for said fandom/series.) Feel free to make more than one request if you'd like.

All fic/drabbles will be posted Christmas day.

Requests will be open up to the 23rd, as that is when I'll be doing all my last minute shopping and general holiday panicking, should things go as usual. :D


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