(no subject)

Dec 05, 2005 06:24

I think I finally figured out why certain episodes of SGA (Underground) bother me so much. I didn't even realize how much it was bothering me until I was watching some SG-1 episodes the other day, and wow, I'm just so surprised I didn't catch it earlier.

So the expedition travels to another galaxy, and instead of making nice with the locals (what they did with the Athosians wasn't making nice so much as...something), they start planet hopping and don't really stop to think about the consequences of what they're doing. Of the impact they're making on the people they meet, because what they did the Genii? Really kind of crappy.

I mean...okay, it's always nice to see the good guys get one over on the bad guys (that little kid thing of 'Ha!' and 'Neener, neener' and all) but...there's a huge, huge difference between the way things work in Pegasus and the Milky Way galaxies. Namely being that the people in Pegasus? Actually use their stargates on a regular basis and make alliances with other planets and so on and so on. Not so much in the Milky Way where the stargate is usually something to be feared/worshipped/whatever. Most of the people there have no idea what the stargate does, so after SG-1 goes in and does their thing (being heroic and kind of stupid and all that), they're usually okay with kicking sand in the faces of whoever they're tangling with that particular episode, taking their toys and going home.

Again, not so much in Pegasus because it seems like everybody knows everybody there. It's like comparing a big city to a tiny little mountain town, and wow. The SGA guys are just so lucky there are a few people they haven't completely alienated, because otherwise I don't think they'd have to worry about the space vampires. I just...it's really kind of disturbing, you know? Half the time I can't believe the things the good guys are doing, because it seems like they're really not thinking about the repercussions of their actions and that's so going to come back bite them in the ass. (Not that it hasn't already, but...come on. Small galaxy.)

Also? So not impressed with Weir and her diplomatic mojo because as far as I can see? She has none. (And I really want to like her, but...she bothers me.) I realize it must be difficult to stand up to Sheppard's cute little kicked puppy routine and all, but his arguments/negotiating skills really kind of suck, and if Weir folds that easily? I'm surprised she has the reputation she does for being a skilled diplomat/negotiator/whatever she's supposed to be.

I just...it's really kind of mind boggling, really.

sg-1, sga

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