(no subject)

Jun 13, 2011 21:16

Do you like The Oregon Trail? Do you like zombies? Do you like clever puns? If so, you may like The Organ Trail.

The adventure nightmare journey begins! :D?

Just when you thought your worst problem happened to be the shambling zombie horde? Your old nemesis dysentary shows up. *for maximum dramatic impact, click here*

You need to be careful while on the lookout for food lest you become the hunted! :O *for maximum dramatic impact, click here*

I've never actually been to Pittsburgh? But apparently this is an artist's rendering of how it will look when the zombie apocalypse comes. FYI.

You meet the most interesting people who say the most interesting things during the zombie apocalypse, don't you?

I honestly don't know I missed this game until now? But it is kind of fantastic. Tragic also, in that during my first game the party leader, one BAMF by name, was forced to put down GQMF and MOFO once they were bitten by zombies and therefore a danger to the rest of the paty. They'll be missed.

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/363816.html. | You can reply here or there. |

picspam, don't judge me!, awesome, zombies, my childhood!

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