(no subject)

Jan 04, 2011 23:14

You know what is disturbing/hilarious? Googling how to get blood stains out of clothing because maybe you are a klutz and often work with sharp objects and don't realize you are bleeding until after you wipe your hand on your pants. Then having Google lead you to this site.

That picture, right there? That is not a normal picture. That is the kind of picture you see getting bagged and tagged as evidence on a CSI or other sort of crime procedural show, is what that picture is. Just sayin'.

I am now picturing Steve being all frowny-confused face trying to figure out how to get blood stains out of a shirt or other piece of clothing because surprisingly it is not torn up or shot up just, you know, all blood stained and whatnot. Said article of clothing has some form of sentimental value to him. Maybe it's the shirt he was wearing the very first time he blatantly disregarded proper police procedure with Danny. The point is, it has sentimental value and now it is all bloody and for some reason wearing blood stained articles of clothing in public makes people uncomfortable.

Danny is just, "Really? For a man who is so keen on the death-defying antics and resulting injury/property damage, you don't know how to get blood out of your clothes?" Steve is just scowly because hey, he is just really into his job, okay? It's not like he asks to be shot at or anything. That just kind of happens, and also? Usually his clothing is rendered beyond repair due to bullets/knives/scissor-happy medics and EMTs who are more about stemming the bleeding and picking out shrapnel than preserving his clothing, sentimental value or not.

Danny just stares at him, obviously wondering why this is his life and then is just, "Oh, for God's sake, hand it here, I'll do it," because he has had cause to get his own articles of clothing bloody on occasion. Although in Danny's case, it's not because he's facing down ninja assassins or jumping out out of helicopters or whatever else Steve likes to do for fun. Danny then proceeds to be all super focused on getting the stains to come out. Steve, I don't know, perches on the dryer and watches Danny while offering commentary here and there. Danny bitches at him because Steve is a lunatic and God, how is this his life, and perhaps there is a Suzy-Q homemaker comment in there somewhere, which naturally prompts a Suzy-Q homemaker your face reply and I am so going to bed now. /o\

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/330102.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, wtf?, hawaii five-0, work, plotty things, rl

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