(no subject)

Jul 31, 2010 15:31

Today at the grocery store I had one of the most uncomfortable encounters of my life. There was this very sweet lady, I would guess probably in her forties, maybe a little older, that was ahead of me in line. She kept sneaking glances at me, but didn't actually say anything to me, so I didn't think anything of it.

But then!

Apparently we were parked a few cars down from her in the parking lot, and after loading the groceries in the car I ran into her again at the cart return. She stopped and looked at me, and then said I looked familiar to her (I did not recognize her at all), and asked me what my name was. When that didn't ring a bell with her, which, I wasn't expecting it to? She asked me what religion I was because she thought she might know me from church.

Religion is a weirdly touchy subject for me personally? I have no problem with whatever religion other people choose to worship/follow, as, well, it's none of my business? I usually don't discuss it with other people unless I know them and they bring it up first. (It's a Thing of mine.) So this person I did not know at all asking me what religion I was seriously weirded me out in ways I'm not sure I can explain. *hands*

don't judge me!, wtf?, rl

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