(no subject)

Mar 17, 2009 04:00

So, a few things:

Ahahaha, ever since this? I have been (mostly) talking (and thinking, and posting) as though I am in a Regency romance novel/crazy, and it's hilarious. Reading Merlin fics is not helping me sound less crazy. (Also, as I have a habit of talking to myself I've been doing so in a horrible British accent. /o\)

(Although sometimes I imagine individual songs as being seperate chapters in a musical, each one focusing on a different group of people too.) I can't figure what order the songs are in, but obviously it is the emo-tragi-medy-mance one about the band making it big only to have the stress and pressure of fame and success tear everything apart.

There are bitter, angry years in there, stupid years, and then a bit of growing up and then, because the stupid years really were stupid, there is a reunion of some sort. And, of course, there are ~best friends in this band, and they are where the bitter and angry and stupid originate. And of course, of course, "What a Catch, Donnie" is the part where one of these ~best friends has second-thoughts about this reunion, insecurities and whatnot, after all the bitter and angry and stupid between them.

They sneak into the venue the night before the big reunion perfromance and starts playing an old song of theirs! (There are these flashbacks and memories before everything went wrong, before things got too big, and cut-away scenes to earlier shows and over all of it is this song he's playing, and it's all very emotional and ~beautiful, and then, as the last note lingers in the last note of the song lingers in the air the ~best friend makes their presence known (because of course, of course, they were there the whole time).

There is yelling and bitter and angry and stupid and maybe things are cleared up between, maybe not, but the next day at the performance all of their friends - some of them people they haven't talked to in years - go on stage when they're playing that song, and weave in some of their old songs, the ones from before, into this new song, and it is clearly the most fantastical of all musicals, and I think I should get some sleep now, ahahaha. /o\



P.S. In the hypothetical Pete is Arthur and Patrick is Merlin AU (seriously, I will never be able to write it, but I love it so very much) I imagine Pete would want to have a special table made, in the shape of his ridiculous Clandestine logo-thing, but then what do I know? AHAHAHA.

don't judge me!, wtf?, fob, bandom, plotty things, rl

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