(no subject)

Jan 25, 2009 18:44

I'm wasting time again and have found an article of great importance for those (like me) convinced that mankind will bring about its own destruction through genetic experiments and blah, blah, blah.

The 5 Current Genetic Experiments Most Likely to Destroy Humanity

This one is an old, personal favorite: 5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen

Also! A snippet of what I'm writing. It's the rough, rough draft.

One morning he finds fresh tracks in the clearing around the cabin. He's seen a few like them, but usually deeper into the forest near the river that cuts through his property, and never so clear. Bob takes a picture of the tracks with his phone with plans to stop by the ranger station to see if the guy there knows what it might be. He's not worried, but would definitely feel better knowing what kind of animal leaves tracks the width of his hand.

The ranger on duty, Brian, makes a face when Bob shows the picture to him. He unearths a pamphlet on identifying animal tracks and pages through until he finds the one featuring coyote tracks. Bob hands his phone with the grainy picture of the tracks he found earlier when Brian gestures for it, and listens as Brian goes into a long and involved line of bullshit Bob doesn't even come close to buying. Not when he can see the opposite page of the pamphlet Brian's showing him with a clear picture of tracks that are a perfect match for the tracks he found.

"What about wolves?"

Brian doesn't answer right away, and when he does his words are short and clipped. Precise. "There are a couple of packs living in the park," he says, pointing to the map hanging on the wall. Bob's land borders one side of it. "But they tend to stay more towards the northern end where game's plentiful. They wouldn't come this close to a populated area."

Bob studies the map for a moment, aware of Brian watching him like he thinks Bob's going to be a problem.

"It's possible some dogs from town might have wandered up there." Brian doesn't look like believes that any more than Bob does. "We've got some real jackasses around here," he adds, mouth turning down into a faint scowl. "They let their dogs run loose and it can get ugly."

Bob looks at Brian, at his clenched jaw and the way he's willing him to believe in what he's saying, and shrugs.

On his way out of town he stops by the general store, even though he knows it's too early for his order to have come in.

Ray looks happy to see him, greeting him like he always does with a smile and stupid wave. Bob doesn't see what could go wrong by asking about the tracks, or if Ray's ever heard of wolves coming that far down. Ray gets a funny look on his face and feeds Bob the same line of bullshit Brian gave him, word for word.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah," Ray says. He doesn't meet Bob's eyes.

Bob doesn't know what Brian and Ray are hiding, but he's sure someone would have said something if there was something dangerous on the loose. He also knows that whatever is up there, whatever left those tracks, hasn't given him any trouble. Until then, he's willing to let them keep their secrets.

writewritewrite, don't judge me!, wtf?, bandom, science!, mcr, snippet

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