(no subject)

Jan 01, 2009 18:45

Look, an actual post of some substance!

I'm not really sure how much longer the laptop is going to hold out, but I'm hanging on until the bitter end. (Ahahaha, no, really, that was the other night when I had to do a restore to factory settings and lost all my files. The pain. Luckily since I haven't been online that much the last little while I had most of the files I lost burned to disc, so there's that.)

Until then, I'll be popping in when I can.

Also, I bought this today. I've been thinking about picking up the guitar (again) for over a year now, but I kept coming up with horrendously lame excuses not to. (Lame, you guys, seriously lame.) I actually had this page bookmarked for months, and today I realized that if I didn't so something now, I never would, so. Um. *hands*

And lastly, because I am that person. You know, the one who just has to share all the lame/stupid pictures she's taken with her camera phone. *facepalm*

Last week we were hit pretty hard (for the Portland-Metro area) by a winter storm that brought us snow, below-freezing temperatures, and horrible driving conditions.

This was the view I had from the bus stop at my work. You can sort of make out overturned shopping carts by the lightposts. ~Exciting, right?

When I finally got home, it was to find that we'd had tiny animal visitors poking their furry noses around on the sidewalk in front of our house. There were bird tracks too, but those pictures didn't turn out very well. :(

don't judge me!, geekery, wtf?, camera phone shenanigans!, computer woes, rl

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