(no subject)

Dec 21, 2008 10:16

Hello people of the internets! (It feels like a long time since I posted last.)

The computer is still hanging on, although I have no idea how long it will last, so if a disappear for a while, that would be why.

The weather is being unbelievably unhelpful at the moment. I had to call in to work last night to let them know I couldn't come in - after a long, painful mess of trying to get there. I might have to call in again tonight if the weather/driving conditions don't improve.

In happier/more exciting news, I got stuff in the mail yesterday! An awesomely hilarious card and package from scorpionvoices! Thank you sweetie! *smooches*

This is probably the last time I'll be posting this week, so everyone be safe and have a fun and merry Christmas! :D

work, computer woes, rl

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