
Sep 02, 2008 23:19

Ahaha. So I had a thought:

Remember that one Buffy episode where everyone became whatever their costume was?

What if that happened to bandom? )

don't judge me!, fob, bandom, crack, cs, plotty things, p!atd, picspam, mcr, picfic

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chebonne September 3 2008, 09:42:26 UTC

Oh, Pete. Of course everything is always his fault.

(Now, naturally, I want the story of what happened last Halloween when Pete read from a grimoire. I sense that it involved a lot of hot, dirty sex. The Frank/Gerard variety, where they're all, "MUST HAVE NOW >:(" and then proceed to not being able to keep their hands off each other and NOBODY NOTICES until they seriously start undressing each other and dry-humping everywhere and everybody are like, "...do they normally go this far?" and then they have to be locked up or whatever and Mikeyway is scarred for life. Brian Schecter's 'His life, so hard' senses were tingling then too, but then he just got drunk and got a blowjob, so he didn't have to deal with it until after Halloween when Frankie and Gee were all fucked out and kind of awkward around each other and YES OKAY I HAVE A TINHAT SO SUE ME.

Oh, and! The same thing should obvs. happen to Pete and Patrick which is another sign that things are not right in the state of Liliput, because Patrick is actually groping back a lot more enthusiastically than he usually does. Maybe there are also a lot of awkward threesomes and foursomes with various other bandom folks (*cough*PANIC GSF*cough*) and everything is very awkward and kind of hilarious the next morning.)


kitsune_tsuki September 3 2008, 20:45:50 UTC

It's one of the laws of bandom, isn't it?

How did you know?

and then proceed to not being able to keep their hands off each other and NOBODY NOTICES
Ahaahaha. *dies*

Mikeyway locks himself in the bus bathroom and Ray and Bob are on the other side trying to talk him out and he's all, "LALALALA" and also furiously texting Pete telling him he'd better fix it or else/texting his hot wife who just laughs and laughs and laughs at him - and then asks for photographic evidence, at which point he lets out this wail of anguish as he is betrayed at every turn. A few minutes later Pete texts back and also asks for pictures. For science. Or something, I don't know.)


I wholeheartedly approve of everything, especially the awkward and hilarious morning afters with Mikeyway sitting across from Gerard and Frank, arms folded and scowling mightily, Ray and Bob sitting next to him sharing these amused looks and Frank and Gerard with a carefulsix inches of distance between them even though there's not room on the couch/lounge table bench thing.

Pete's checking out his Patrick!brand hickeys in the mirror while Patrick buries his face in the pillow and wonders why the hell this has to be his life. (Brian is maybe wondering the very same thing wherever he is.)


chebonne September 3 2008, 21:23:44 UTC
If it isn't, it should be. *nods*

It's Frank and Gerard. They always flirt and grope each other, how are people supposed to know the difference? Well, they do, when Mikey makes a noise like he's dying and locks himself into the bathroom while Gerard's hands have wormed themselves suspiciously low between his and Frank's bodies, but by then they would have to pry Frank and Gerard apart with a crowbar.

And the next morning, Frank and Gerard keeps shifting on the bench (good six inches apart, as you said), and grimacing slightly and then blushing furiously, because they may have been all sex spelled or whatever, ut they still remember perfectly what happened last night. (Frank thinks he will probably have jerk off fantasies for the next ten years or so, just from the noises Gerard were making alone. He thinks that is probably enough. It has to be.)

And Pete has some serious hickeys too, because it turns out that Patrick is a biter, which is something Pete is endlessly pleased with. He also discovered that apparently he likes to bottom quite a bit, which is fortunate since Patrick is like the toppiest top to ever top.

(Brian, meanwhile, is nursing his hangover and wondering exactly why his life is harder than usual this morning. He didn't drink that much, surely?)


kitsune_tsuki September 3 2008, 21:47:00 UTC
ray and Bob think Frank and Gerard are just really affectionate, and oh dear god, we have to eat off this table you bastards! (Ahaha. Poor Mikey. *pets*)

Awww. Hilariously adorable and then heartclenchy. But it's okay, boys. A few of awkwardness and running into one another in the narrow passageway between the buks and the kitchenette where you stare at the little marks on each others' skin - throats, collar bones the time Gerard's wearing that old shirt, and whatnot - and mumbling and asking talking to one another through Ray and Bob and your band will set things to right. (Most likely by locking you two idiots in an enclosed space or something.)

Pete starts writing a blog post all about these new and exciting things he's discovered about Patrick, and then Patrick has to distract him somehow, right? He's totally doing it for his own self interests.

(BRIAN. Hahaha, no, really, That's about the only thing I can say as his life, so hard.)


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