(no subject)

Sep 02, 2008 23:19

Ahaha. So I had a thought:

Remember that one Buffy episode where everyone became whatever their costume was?

So, let's just say that for whatever reason, the majority of My Chemical Romance were dressed up as zombies/zombie-like beings.

Then, for whatever reason, let's say Fall Out Boy were dressed as everyone's favorite plumbers, princess, and dinosaur...thing.

(Or maybe Gerard is the only zombie, and the others are dressed as whatever. Perhaps Frank is Frankenstein's monster, who can say, right?)

Let's also say they are all in Chicago on the night of Halloween. For whatever reason.

Let's also, also say that other various bandom bands are wherever they are - hometowns, on tour, etc., etc., etc., - when the spell takes effect, and the majority of the people involved are likewise in costumes. (Shenanigans!)

Then! No, wait, stick with me, let's say that someone from one of these bands (Pete!) gets their hands on a grimoire. Let's also say they thought it would be hilarious to read one (or more!) of the spells within aloud, possibly using specific hand gestures or whatever. Let's then say they mispronounced a word or two, or they folded their pinky in when it should have been out, or, hey, why not both.

And then, just for the hell of it, let's say that - for whatever reason - the only people not affected by the spell were Pete and Patrick. Perhaps they were about to get into costume, or were arguing about something or other or just something that allowed them to be immune to the effects of the spell. (Possibly Mikeyway is off in Jersey or wherever with his hot wife doing whatever it is a Mikeyway does.)

Can you imagine?

Gerard and Frank and whoever else in MCR stumbling around (possibly lurching!), vocalizing their unending hunger for brains. Joe speaking with an Italian accent! Andy getting kidnapped and locked in castles! Spencer calling Pete up to ask what the hell he's done now, his band thinks they're some unholy combination of riverboat gambler/circus performers/hippies because they were fondly reminiscing about the early days of Panic(!) at the Disco. Pete and Patrick, a little frazzled, running around trying to figure out why everything has suddenly gone so horribly, horribly wrong.

Pete's nervous, "Ahahahaha!" when they run into Pete's office, or room, or god knows where and hey! Grimoire! And also, oh, crap, there's dog drool and chewed pages and oh, my god, Hemingway and Rigby have eaten part of this book of the damned. (Penny is sitting on a chair or couch with this disapproving look on her little doggy face she had to have learned from Patrick.)

Also, imagine Patrick's narrow-eyed glare because Pete always does this! Why does Pete always have to do this! Patrick is annoyed! Halloween is ruined! Again! Goddammit, Pete! (And then he sets out to reverse the untold evil unleashed upon the Earth thanks to Pete and his shenanigating. It would be great if Pete would maybe help him out, what with him being responsible for the destruction of the world and all.)

Patrick's, "I can't believe we have to lock Gerard Way in the basement (Gabe assures them it's warmer down there!) because you read an ancient spell aloud on Halloween!"

(There's an implied 'again' in there, Pete can hear it, and seriously, the last time wasn't even his fault, okay, geez.)

Meanwhile, the rest of rest of My Chemical Romance (minus Mikeyway, of course) are also locked up in various room lumbering around demanding brains and other delicious treats. (Or doing whatever it is their costumes personas would have them do. *hands*)

...I don't know, I just find the thought of Pete calling Mikeyway up and asking if Gerard's always a little brain hungry or if it's something new, and Mikeyway being "..." at him, and then, "Pete, did you get another grimoire? You remember what happened last time you read from one of those, right?"

(Pete is wounded, wounded, that even Mikeyway seems to think the last time was his fault as well.)

And let's not forget Brian Schechter looking up from whatever he's doing the moment the spell takes effect, his 'My life, so hard' senses tingling because he just knows he should have gone off to become a hermit the way he always planned after meeting those bastards. >:(

Seriously, I don't even know. These are the kinds of things I think about when I'm really, disgustingly tired and can't sleep. /o\

Oooh! And!

The pictures of Gerard, Mikey, and Bob wearing the Planet of the Apes masks I couldn't find that one time. (Somewhere out there is a picture of Bob carting his mask around, possibly shortly before the previous picture was taken. I seriously don't even know how these people are real sometimes, and yet, they are. ♥_♥)

don't judge me!, fob, bandom, crack, cs, plotty things, p!atd, picspam, mcr, picfic

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