(no subject)

Aug 12, 2008 09:26

So, hi. I've been out of touch for a few days and will catch up later, but for now there's this picture I came across that gave me this horrible, horrible idea for an AU. Also, I haven't slept in almost two days, so ahaha. :D?

In this AU, Gerard was offered a job at DC after his internship was over and ended up working in comics instead of going on to form MCR.



It's cool, though, because now he's a famous comic book dude!

Sometimes he has to go out of town for conventions and the like.

At the start of this AU he's just getting back from a convention, and all he really wants to do is go home and sleep because he's exhausted from the trip.

Normally, Mikey would pick him up from the airport, but he's out of town. DC, or Dark Horse, or whoever is puttng out his comic arranged for a driver to pick him up because he won an award at the convention. (I don't really know why he'd get a driver for that, but this is one of the more half-assed things I've come up with, so just go along with it for the moment.) Anyway, Gerard gets set up with a driver, and guess who that is!

That's right! It's Frank!

Frank is so very not impressed with the comic book guy, but a job's a job, right? And then he goes to pick Gerard up at the airport and is all, "Hey, whoa, you're supposed to ride in the back!" when Gerard climbs into the passenger seat. Gerard, of course, is just, "OMG, what? I'm a comic book dude, not a rock star."

Gerard and Frank find each other hot awesome, but before they can say so or do anything about it, the typical romantic comedy plotline rears it's hideously malformed head.

(Ahaha, oh, Frank. ILU.)

Gerard desperately tries to get in touch with Frank because he: a.) realizes he lost Frank's number/card after Frank dropped him off at his place and is trying everything he can to find him, b.) realizes he never had Frank's number/card and is trying everything he can to find him, c.) had Frank's number/card, but there was a misunderstanding that has Frank thinking Gerard's cheating on his spouse/significant other with Frank and therefore Frank wants nothing to do with him, and Gerard's trying everything he can to find him.

Everything works out in the end, however, and they are reunited. All misunderstandings are cleared up, and then the hugging starts.

...followed by kissing.

~ The End ~

picspam, don't judge me!, fmsa, bandom, mcr, picfic

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