(no subject)

Aug 08, 2008 07:36

So, ahaha. I haven't really been able to focus enough to write anything for a while, but I seem to be writing this now? Hopefully I'll actually finish it, although it probably won't resemble this snippet by then. *facepalm*

There are days Frank stops to think about the differences between his old high school and Sky High. Maybe there's no real point in trying to compare them, seeing as how one is firmly rooted in reality and the other seems to have been ripped straight out of a comic book, but he still finds himself doing it from time to time.

“Let me out of here, assholes!”

Today, for instance, he's forced to face the fact lockers, even those designed to withstand superhuman strength and heat-ray vision among other things, are still lockers.

“I'm going to kick your asses when I get out of here!”

Frank's a little pissed that he still gets shoved into them even though he's supposed to be surrounded by the super heroes and heroines of tomorrow. He doesn't know why he was expecting sophomore year to be any different from freshman year. It isn't like anyone's really changed over the summer. The popular kids are still popular, the freaks are still freaks, and the assholes who think shoving Frank into lockers is hilarious are still assholes.

Frank's been in there long enough for the halls to empty out and class to start when there's a tentative tap, followed by a slightly confused, “Frank?”

Luckily, Ray is still Ray.

“Frank, are you in there?”

“Open the damn door, Toro.” Frank slams his knee against the locker door to let Ray know just how much he'd love for him to get on that as soon as possible.

The fact that Ray doesn't even need to ask for the combination is like the icing on a really shitty cake.

“You know,” Ray muses, taking his sweet time. “I don't think you'd get into trouble using your power in this sort of situation.”

Frank's eyes narrow even though he can't really see anything. “Ray. Open the door.”

“I'm serious.” Ray sounds serious. “It's like one of those scenarios they're always giving us in class, right? If any of the teachers get on your case about it just tell them it was a practical application or something.”

Frank's really not going to have this conversation with Ray while he's trapped in his own locker.

“I bet Mr. Boy would give you extra credit.”

The thing Frank really hates about being in Hero Support is that everyone acts like it's a foregone conclusion they'll be kidnapped by a villain at some point in their lives. So much so there's a class on it students in the Hero Support program are required to take if they want to graduate.

“Ray - “

“Got it!” Ray calls, giving Frank just enough time to look away before the locker door opens with a squeal of protest.

“Miller,” Frank explains, turning his head to see Ray frowning at him, light spilling into the cramped confines of the locker. Just because the lockers are designed to withstand superhuman strength doesn't mean they're indestructible.

“You okay?”

“Yeah,” Frank says, waiting for his eyes to adjust. “Yeah, I'm good.” Actually, he's pissed, but there's not a lot he can do about it now.


Shaking his head, Frank looks up at Ray who's still frowning at him. “Really, I'm good.”

“Okay,” Ray says. “Grab your stuff, we're late for class.”

Frank rolls his eyes, but Ray just waves his hand at Frank's locker, and great, Miller really did a number on it this time. There's a fist-sized dent in the center of the door, with perfect imprints of Miller's knuckles.


Frank sometimes forgets he's not dealing with regular kids at Sky High. They act like the kids he's known his whole life, so it's easy to forget that oh, right, this one can fly, that one can control fire, and this one can break every bone in his body without working up a sweat.

If he wants to get his revenge on Miller and his lackeys, and oh, but does he ever, Frank's going to have to be smart about it. It helps that Miller's not very bright to begin with, but there's still that superhuman strength of his to deal with.

Ray comes up next to him and rifles through Frank's locker collecting his textbooks and folders, and carefully puts all of it in Frank's backpack for him and shuts the locker. “Come on,” Ray says, pressing Frank's backpack in his hands and turning him away from the row of lockers. “We're late for class.”

“Yeah, okay,” Frank shoulders his backpack and follows Ray, still trying to work out a plan that won't get him killed. “Class. Right.”

That gets an amused snort from Ray and a jerk on his sleeve to keep him from taking a wrong turn down a hallway. “If you're planning to get revenge, at least wait until Bob's around to bail you out of trouble, okay?”

“Fuck you, Toro.” Frank doesn't need Bob protecting him.

“Seriously, Frank,” Ray stops outside the classroom and looks at him with his serious face on. “It would suck if you got killed because you didn't wait for Bob.”

Frank glares, but Ray never backs down when he has his serious face on. “Okay, fine. I'll wait for Bob before I do anything, happy?”

“Ecstatic,” Ray says. “Thrilled beyond belief.”

“Great.” Frank's happy that Ray's happy. “I think Mr. Boy wants us to go inside now.”

Mr. Boy is, in fact, watching the two of them through the window in the classroom door, tapping his watch with a disapproving frown. Odds are good that not only does he want them to get inside, he's also going to want to have a talk with them after class. Frank's honestly not sure how his day could get any worse.

Mr. Boy waits until they're in their seats before saying anything, and when he does Frank realizes it a bad, bad idea to tempt fate in a school like this one.

“Mr. Iero, thank your for volunteering.”

Frank looks up to see a mess of tube and wires and god knows what else sitting on Mr. Boy's desk. It doesn't look friendly, whatever it is, and from the way the other students are acting, there's a very good reason no one volunteered.

“Yeah,” Frank says, absolutely certain he's not going to like what's about to happen, “no problem.”

don't judge me!, bandom, mcr, snippet

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