
Jul 19, 2008 05:32

Random thought:

Bandom + Starfleet.

Starships and space stations and phasers! Bandom people running around spouting the Prime Directive and then totally ignoring it when the situation warrants! Shuttlecraft! Aliens! Boldly going where no man has gone before!

(I may have watched a Star Trek movie recently. :D)

don't judge me!, bandom, dorkish, plotty things, star trek

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margueritem July 19 2008, 15:32:52 UTC
I vote Jon Walker as the failed vulcan! \o/


kitsune_tsuki July 19 2008, 19:54:03 UTC
Yes! And yet, he's so zen!


margueritem July 20 2008, 02:28:50 UTC
I can't figure out who should be captain. Gabe? Gerard? Pete? Pete=doomed!

I can see Spencer as a shooting kind of guy (security or something). "Move one finger, I'll put a hole in your pretty head."

Jon finds it hot.


kitsune_tsuki July 20 2008, 03:37:29 UTC
I don't know, but if Gerard's captain Brian has to be on his crew somewhere. Maybe the doctor? He's always, "Oh, god, now what?" Whenever Gerard shows up, or they get shot at.



Also, yes to Spencer being hot when he threatens to shoot someone. I agree with Jon. *_*


margueritem July 20 2008, 03:52:17 UTC
Brian as the doctor! Driven to drink by all the idiots around here!

What would the rest of mcr do? We need scientists!

When Jon first met Spencer (through Brendon), he thought, "Nice fella, if a bit Vulcan for a human." And then one day, Spencer saves his life, and then later he smiles at Jon. *bam* Jon's in love and prone to walking into walls or forgetting where he was going (on his off-time; he's a very dedicated Star Fleet... worker?)


kitsune_tsuki July 20 2008, 04:36:25 UTC
He wants to put a chip in Gerard because they keep losing him on away missions, it's gone way past annoying and well into pain in the ass levels.

Ray is a nurse! Nurse Toro! (Ahaha. I don;t know, seriously.) Mikey's a botanist and Frank is a xenobiolgist who gets to go on away missions with Gerard and Bob is the second-in-command! (Or, nurse Bryar and second-in-command Ray. Either one works with me.)

Jon's impressed with Spencer and a little weirded out, and yet totally attracted to him. Confusion!


margueritem July 20 2008, 04:50:52 UTC
Yes! A chip! But it would involve anesthesia and cutting and Gerard's all O_O nooooooooo. "You can't even see the needle, Gee... Captain!"

Nurse Toro! Yes! Who has a thing for Second-in-command Bryar! (It mirrors the whole Chapel-Spock thing, only without the vulcan thing)

And someone says, "But your hair's not regulation!"

"The captain likes it," would say Ray.


"He said, The Captain likes it." would say Brian with a scalpel in hand. He likes to have antique surgery thingies to scare people into submission.

Jon is very confused and Spencer keeps glaring at Jon's feet. And Spencer always keeps a distance (used to vulcans), and Jon likes to have some sign of interest (even tiny) before making a move. Plus he likes to cuddle. Does Spencer like to cuddle, too?

God, when Ryan goes into Pon Farr (sp?), imagine the fun!


kitsune_tsuki July 20 2008, 05:47:06 UTC
Gerard watched a documentary about how they used to do that back in the the 21rst century when he was a kid and he still has nightmares. The cutting and the needles! ._.

"He said, The Captain likes it." would say Brian with a scalpel in hand. He likes to have antique surgery thingies to scare people into submission.

DYYYING. Oh, Brian. ♥

Yes! Jon's flip flops are not very practical to begin with, what with them being in space. Oh, man. The three of them become the ship's version of a soap opera (...one of them, anyway) and there are betting pools and suchlike to see how long it'll take before they figure things out.


margueritem July 20 2008, 21:07:02 UTC
Frank tries to stop Gerard from watching such. They're educational, Frankie! And then Gerard freaks out about stuff that doesn't even exist anymore.

Brian will fuck you up if you so much as look his people wrong.

Jon likes to let his toes be free (he was raised by neo-hippies).

When they have to patrol the Neutral Zone, it's so boring; they need something to keep themselves occupied. Other people's lives and drama is great entertainment.


kitsune_tsuki July 21 2008, 07:30:58 UTC
Haha. Oh, Gerard.

Frank finds him looking up things on the ship's computer, a little wild-eyed. Frank has the feeling that Gerard didn't get any sleep after his last shift, but before he can ask Gerard when the last time he slept was, Gerard starts throwing all these facts and statistics about tetanus at him.

"Tetanus, Frank. Like. Sharp metal things. In your body. Or, like, it doesn't even have to be sharp, I guess. Just inside your bodyFrank stares at him, not really sure what to say. He's pretty sure Gerard's not getting all the pertinent facts out of whatever he's reading, just the parts most likely to freak him the hell out ( ... )


margueritem July 21 2008, 20:21:33 UTC
Oh, Gerard ( ... )


kitsune_tsuki July 23 2008, 06:59:18 UTC
I love his ridiculous self so much! ♥

The dinosaurs all have ridiculous names (several are named Dylan, but the slightly scary looking kitten is Spencer Jr, and the one that has this strangely flat meow is Ryan Jr.) and try to play fetch with them!

The Dinosaur'n'Kittens program becomes the ship favorite and you can find a good chunk of the crew there when they're not on duty. Campfire sing-alongs to Jon's songs. (I'm picturing him and Brendon singing about Gerard and Frank sitting in a tree on a picnic blanket K-I-S-S-I-N-G, but Jon and Brendon ruin out of the holodeck when things progress past the kissing stage and Frank throws something at them when they do a running commentary. this crew, not so big on showing the proper respect to their commanding officers. :D ( ... )


margueritem July 23 2008, 19:28:19 UTC
All the dinosaurs are also herbivores because think of the children, Jon! There are no actual children on board, but Jon doesn't point this out (Spencer does) and just says, "I could never sing around the campfire if there were cute dinosaurs being eaten as we sang ( ... )


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