
Jul 19, 2008 05:32

Random thought:

Bandom + Starfleet.

Starships and space stations and phasers! Bandom people running around spouting the Prime Directive and then totally ignoring it when the situation warrants! Shuttlecraft! Aliens! Boldly going where no man has gone before!

(I may have watched a Star Trek movie recently. :D)

don't judge me!, bandom, dorkish, plotty things, star trek

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margueritem July 21 2008, 20:21:33 UTC
Oh, Gerard. ♥

One day, Frank takes Gerard on a picnic in (on?) the holodeck. And there are dinosaurs and kittens and they're very cuddly. It's not very accurate (scientifically), but it's Urie, what did you expect? At some point, Jon shows up flip flops on, guitar in hand; he likes to sit around a fake fire and sing very literal songs. Ryan is there (they often talk about music together), and where Jon is - and where Ryan is - Brendon and Spencer are not far behind. The whole ship knows about Frank and Gerard; they're married in as many world as they could do it (yes, yes, once would have been enough for it to be legal in the Federation, but Gerard gets very excited about new cultures and new ceremonies and Frank loves wedding night sex, he's not going to lie).

The thing is, Brian would never hurt a fly (doctor oath and all that), but people who don't know him are afraid; he looks totally bad ass.

Brendon made him kittens. That's as good as marriage on some planets. :D

I'm thinking they're a science ship more than an Enterprise like ship. They have a defense system, but mainly they go around studying life! negotiating peace! saving lives in general! Gerard is rather proud of his ship, The Black Parade.


kitsune_tsuki July 23 2008, 06:59:18 UTC
I love his ridiculous self so much! ♥

The dinosaurs all have ridiculous names (several are named Dylan, but the slightly scary looking kitten is Spencer Jr, and the one that has this strangely flat meow is Ryan Jr.) and try to play fetch with them!

The Dinosaur'n'Kittens program becomes the ship favorite and you can find a good chunk of the crew there when they're not on duty. Campfire sing-alongs to Jon's songs. (I'm picturing him and Brendon singing about Gerard and Frank sitting in a tree on a picnic blanket K-I-S-S-I-N-G, but Jon and Brendon ruin out of the holodeck when things progress past the kissing stage and Frank throws something at them when they do a running commentary. this crew, not so big on showing the proper respect to their commanding officers. :D)

Gerard keeps all the marriage certificates/whatever the official proof of their marital union is in his quarters in fancy frames and whatnot. Frank rolls his eyes whenever Gerard asks him if this one or that one is straight, it looks a little crooked, Frank, and plays with the little feathered dart on Gerard's desk that was tipped with some sort of Truth drug from the second, or maybe third planet they accidentally got married on before they realized their true ~feelings for each other. (The whole culture was a little weird, what with the shooting their True Love with darts for romantic confessions and all even though they have highly advanced technology equal to Earth's. Still, it all worked out for the best, so Frank counts it as one of his favorite planets. He still owes Brian for shooting Gerard in the ass with the dart when the doctor guy was explaining how the ritual worked, although Brian claims it was an accident.)

It's true! Sometimes, though, Andy sneaks him into his security teams when Gerard or someone else has been kidnapped/captured/etc. because most of their crew aren't the scary, intimidating sort. Tense situations get resolved much more quickly when Brian's involved for some reason.

Brendon makes sure to tell Jon that with his best earnest face on. It's important Jon know these things, you know.

That works better. They're a scientific vessel who also takes the time to save lives while making important discoveries and meeting new cultures!


margueritem July 23 2008, 19:28:19 UTC
All the dinosaurs are also herbivores because think of the children, Jon! There are no actual children on board, but Jon doesn't point this out (Spencer does) and just says, "I could never sing around the campfire if there were cute dinosaurs being eaten as we sang :("

No respect whatsoever. Anyone else would complain about this, but Gerard likes that his crew can think for themselves as they work towards on a common goal! Although he wished Mikey and Jon would stop wandering away from their mission teams; then they wouldn't need to send someone to fetch them.

It's good that a) Gerard was drugged when he saw the dart and b) he hadn't read about tetanus and metal and flesh at the time; otherwise they would have had a panicked captain on their hands. Frank finally decides to booby trap one of Brian's scotch bottle, but he also gives him one of those expensive ones. Frank knows how to say thank you, but that's no reason for to let Brian get away from putting pointy things in the captain.

Andy is not above taking advantage of the crew as a resource. He once send Pete as a distraction (a la Uhura in one of the ST films), while his team ambushed the anarchists. Patrick didn't like that at all.

Jon nods at this and says, "It's important for me to know these things." And next time he's on a commerce planet, he buys Brendon a sparkly tiara.

I'm thinking TAI and Cobra are on another science ship, the Cobra, along with GCH.


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