(no subject)

Jun 23, 2008 00:17

Hamster shenanigans fic is coming along better now that I've got an acutal idea of where it's going. I mean, you know, hamsters. *hands*

The next time Frank comes over to see Gerard it's because Gerard has acquired two new hamsters and he's worried there's going to be a fight.

“Seriously?” Frank's looking at the hamsters, taking stock of the way the original five are pretty much in their own world.

Gerard shrugs, then fidgets and looks like he's only a few steps away from wringing his hands with worry. “This is serious, Frank. They could fight to the death!”

Gerard sounds strangely excited about that possibility even though Frank knows he'd be heartbroken if it actually happened. He'd probably freak the hell out too, not that Frank would blame him for that.

“Maybe you shouldn't put them together,” Frank says. “I mean if it's going to be a bloodbath or whatever.”

“They're all young enough that this should work.” Gerard still looks worried.

Frank might not be overly invested in the goings on of hamsters, but the little guys mean a lot to Gerard, and he doesn't want to be witness to a hamster deathmatch. “Are you sure about this?”

Gerard shrugs, but he's so worked up about the whole hamster situation that it looks more like a nervous twitch. “Yes?”

Frank sighs and shoves Gerard over, moving so that he's in front of the two cages.

Thanks to Gerard spouting bits of hamster trivia at random moments Frank knows the hamsters probably can't even see him. Maybe he's just a big blur to them or whatever, but it's still a little disconcerting the way they seem to be watching him.

“So what, I just dump them in?”

Gerard makes a horrified face and pushes Frank aside. ”Oh my god. Move over, move over.”

Sitting back to watch Gerard introducing the new hamsters to his original bunch, Frank tries - he really does - not to smirk, but it's a little difficult.

Especially when the smaller hamster sort of glares at Gerard. Well, okay. It doesn't glare so much as stare at him like it doesn't think it wants Gerard being responsible for it's well-being.

“Oh, this is awesome,” Frank says, scooting forward when the little guy stands up on his hind legs and gives Gerard this squinty-eyed little look of hamsterish disdain. “Where did you find these guys?”

Gerard scowls and nudges the pissy little hamster, trying to get it moving. “Shut up, Frank.”

“No, no. Really, this is awesome.” Frank is starting to get why Gerard's so fascinated with his stupid hamsters. They're like tiny little people, only really, really not.

don't judge me!, bandom, mcr, snippet

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