
May 28, 2008 06:40

Computer situation still not fixed, internet addiction overcomes eyestrain and possible insanity in days to come. \o/

Also, so very wrong? And yet I cannot stop laughing. My heart, I have none.

Random thought plotbunny:

During the band's hiatus Gerard finally gets his hamsters.

Five of them, maybe. )

don't judge me!, web comics, bandom, plotty things, computer woes, rl, mcr

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kitsune_tsuki May 28 2008, 14:34:56 UTC
:DDDD I WANT THIS TO BE REAL SO BAD. (I don't know what that says about me, but yes. Tiny Hamster MCR. *_*)


I bet Frank would totally be laughing his ass off at Gerard's new hamster obsession, but then he comes over and watches the hamsters for a little bit and it's. It's a little eerie? (He looks over at Gerard to see if he realizes what's going on, but Gerard has this face, and it's a little heartclenchy?)

And then Tiny Manic Hamster knocks something over or gets stuck in one of the tunnels and Gerard starts laughing and has to open up the Hamster Dream Palace to fish him out. And Frank's like "Well, crap." (Bob and the others were all, "You should maybe say something to him before the tour's over?" And Frank was all, "Ahaha. NO." But now. He cannot deny the hamster thing.)

So he keeps coming over and playing with Gerard and his hamsters - he totally gets Mikey to help him make a tiny little drum kit out of, like popsicle sticks for the big blond-ish hamster. And then he gets Ray over to take a picture of big blond-ish hamster behind the kit - the hamster keeps squirimging away - as a present for Bob! Bob who has no idea what to make of the tiny, furry version of himself or the others!

Gerard's puzzled by Frank and the hamster-sized drum kit, but he finds hamster-safe paint and paints the drum kit to look like Bob's, and he still doesn't get it. (Frank would wonder a little, but Gerard's obliviousness is totally endearing.)

Ray totally loves the big furry hamster, and maybe lets it sit on his shoulder when he comes over to play, I don't know, Warhammer or D&D, whatever they play. And Mikey has the skinny dark-furred hamster and the one with the markings around her eyes all curled up in the hood of his hoodie.

Bob, like, he has Tiny Manic Hamster sitting totally calm on his leg, and the other dark-furred hamster sort of running all over him because the tiny bossy hamster is chasing him for some reason.

Gerard's kind of squished because Real!Frank is laying on him trying to mess him up when it's his turn to play, and it should be annoying? But it's not so bad. Really.

The big hamster is sitting on the couch with the blond-ish hamster watching everyone, and nibbling on food or something.

(So ridiculous, and yet. *hands*)

No, I had not! *runs to check it out*


chebonne May 28 2008, 15:10:42 UTC
and the other dark-furred hamster sort of running all over him because the tiny bossy hamster is chasing him for some reason.


I love you, please never stop. ♥____________________________♥


kitsune_tsuki May 28 2008, 15:42:45 UTC
(Gerard would never tell anyone, but that bossy little hamster intimidates him sometimes too. If Gerard doesn't clean the Hamster Dream Palace exactly on schedule he swears he can feel its beady little eyes following him all over the room. For real!)

OMG, I really love the idea of Human!MCR and Hamster!MCR interacting. Brian comes over one time because Bob is. Bob's a little freaked out at the whole hamster version of them, okay. And even though everyone else seems fine with it (or just doesn't notice in Gerard's case) and he needs someone like Brian who is the most not-crazy person Bob knows in the area to tell him it's not in Bob's head, okay?

And Brian. He just stares because Gerard and Frank are working on expanding the Hamster Dream Palace, so there are hamsters running around in hamster balls all over the place.

Tiny Manic Hamster keeps running into everyone, and Brian's not sure, but there's another tiny one working with the big one to keep all of the others from going through the open door leading to the basement. (Brian gives in after a few minutes and shuts the door, and he swears the litte tiny hamster sighs, but you know, hamsters don't sigh or anything.)

Bob keeps giving him these, "See? See?" looks, but Brian's denial-fu is strong. Like steel. Gerard has a hamster problem, sure, but it's. They're hamsters.

Frank comes over one day after they have Hamster Dream Palace V. 2.0 built and helps Gerard design The Hamster Room, where they can go in and let the hamsters "Roam free, the way they were meant to, Frank!" (Except for how it's just a giant hamster playground with a sandbox for them to dig around in and chew on things and climb over the people who come in to sit down and play with them.)

The building of the The Hamster Room takes some doing, and Frank's there almost every day and then more shenanigans! (I don't know anymore!)


liketheroad May 28 2008, 16:07:42 UTC
Not to be repetitive but: ♥_______♥


Hamster!Brian is my favorite! As is real Brian's 'denial-fu' ♥


kitsune_tsuki May 28 2008, 22:55:13 UTC


He's tiny and furry and bossy! He has no idea why the other hamsters won't listen! (Ahaha. Poor Brian. His life, so hard. He has to put up with enough from his band, hamsters are not part of his job description.)


chebonne May 28 2008, 20:36:54 UTC
I really don't have much to contribute except making sparkly hearteyes at you. BRIANNNNNNNNNNNNNN. His denial-fu is strong!Bob is freaking out!

And I still haven't gotten over that Frank's favorite is the little dark-furred one, because that is just TOO PRECIOUS FOR WORDS. Ugh, FRANK. Not like his crush is showing or anything. :DDDDDDD


kitsune_tsuki May 28 2008, 23:02:57 UTC
Okay, no lie? Today when I went out I wanted to scope out the hamsters at the pet shop. I don't even know, okay? Gerard makes me want to be a responsible hamster owner or something.

Brian's all, "Hamsters! Tiny little furry rodents! Nothing strange here at all!" No matter how much evidence Bob tries to show him, especially when they find the furry hamster totally trying to play Ray's guitar that one time he brought it over. It's like. The little guy fell inside the guitar at one point? But he was totally trying to play. Seriously, Schechter.

Gerard thinks its awesome that Frank likes the hamsters as much as he does, so he's forever shoving them at Frank, and eventually the dark-furred one totally starts looking for Frank when someone comes into The Hamster Room, and goes to hide in one of the underground tunnels when he's not there! Tiny Manic hamster goes to check in on him, and if it's serious they get the skinny dark-furred one over, but usually Tiny Manic Hamster can fix things.

Frank's just "Ahaha. Yeah. Hamsters. Awesome." And then he sneaks the little dark-furred hamster in his pocket the whole time he's over and talks to it and he swears its nodding its little hamster head and totally gets his pain.


chebonne May 28 2008, 23:35:31 UTC
I want a little Gerard hamster now! Amazing!

I'm making little high pitched noises, because FRANK. HOW SO PRECIOUS? He's totally being emo at the fucking hamster about his going-nowhere-crush (which Gerard is ALL THE TIME, you know he is) and Gerard is being completely oblivious quite as usual. Poor Frank. Maybe he feels a little better when he sees the bigger dark-furred one (who he is totally calling Hamster!Gee in his head) snuggle up with the Tiny Manic one.

Also BRIAN. Aw, baby. He's getting a little wild eyed, but seriously, Bob, THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON WITH THE FUCKING HAMSTERS. (They're MAGIC.)


kitsune_tsuki May 29 2008, 00:12:19 UTC
If I could, I would recreate the entirety of bandom with hamsters, and it would be a thing of beauty.

Ahaha. The hamsters are tiny little therapists!

Oh, man. I'm totally imagining Gerard doing a little desert mural in The Hamster Room by the sandbox, so they know where they came from, culture is important, okay?

Hamster!Gee and Tiny Manic Hamster get out somehow and Gerard doesn't notice at first, until he sees little tiny sand-colored hamster footprints going off towards the tunnels or something. And then he goes to look and both of them are covered in paint! He's torn between laughing and shaking his head, and then Tiny Manic Hamster comes out and tries to cuddle and he gets paint all over Gerard.

And then Frank walks in and glares at Tiny Manic Hamster sitting on Gerard's shoulder all smug while Gerard's just confused and thinks Frank's glaring at Gerard for getting paint all over his clothes.

But then Hamster!Gee comes out because, hey, Frank's there! :D

Brian totally wants nothing to do with the hamsters, okay Bob? They're hamsters. (And then Brian!hamster tugs on his pantleg asking to be picked up and Brian, okay. Brian is not made of stone, even though he sometimes wishes he was, and picks it up. Brian!hamster just stares at him, and Brian. There's no way the stupid hamster is rolling its eyes at him, okay. Seriously.)


chebonne May 29 2008, 11:36:15 UTC
DO EEEET. It'd be like Hamtaro, it'd be awesome.

Hamsters are awesome therapists. Animals in general are pretty awesome therapists, just look at Hemmy and Bunny (although they probably entertain thoughts of homicide during the nights).

GERARD. Hamster culture! God, I love him, he WOULD do it too.


Brian! The tiny little hamster!you is TOTALLY rolling his eyes at you. He's an intimidating little dude, alright? *loves on them both*


kitsune_tsuki May 29 2008, 17:44:37 UTC
At first I was Hamtaro? That sounds familiar, why does that - And then I realized why it was familiar and now I'm picturing the high-pitched voices and I blame you.

Hemmy and Bunny (and the rest of Mikey and Alicia's pets) totally have a support group. Along with the other bandom pets that suffer as they do.

Gerard has books about hamsters and the domestication process or something along those lines all over his house or wherever he's living and Frank is just always "...But they're hamsters." Because really, what more do you need to know? (And then Gerard busts out all these 'little known facts' that Frank never knew/cared about, but Gerard's face, okay? He's excited to be sharing hamster facts and hamster history with Frank, and Frank really couldn't care less, but Gerard, okay. Gerard.

Ray's actually interested, for the first half hour, maybe, and then he calls Frank all, "Hey, Gerard has some stuff he wants to tell you."

Frank is confused! He was at home eating, like toast or something, and then Ray called and told him that Gerard had something to tell him!

Frank's like "Is he? No. But what if he does!" So Frank rushes over and Ray pats him on the shoulder on his way out all, "Good luck, man." And winks (Or at least it looks like that's what he did? Ray just had something in his eye. Sawdust maybe, from the bedding Gerard was using for the Hamster Dream Palace when he let the furry hamster crawl up into his hair for a little bit.

Frank goes to find Gerard in The Hamster Room working on something new and Gerard's still spouting hamster information even though no one else is in the room with him. Frank ends up sitting down and letting the dark-furred hamster sit on his lap watching Tiny Manic hamster pester the big blond-ish one and listening to Gerard babble.

Frank knows it's irrational to be jealous of a hamster, but seriously. The stupid thing looks so totally smug sitting on Gerard's shoulder. It's mocking him! And then it gives Gerard like a tiny hamster kiss on his face, and that is so it, you know? He declares all-out war on the little guy, which, completely crazy, but so on.

Hamster!Gee is concerned! He scurries all over Frank because he knows Frank is upset but he doesn't know why! :(

Brian tries to avoid coming over after that, but Gerard calls and says the hamsters miss him! Bob refuses to go over alone, and Ray and Mikey are smirking at him because he's not afraid of ~hamsters, is he? Frank's just "Stop being a wimp, Schechter, they're hamsters."


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