strobelighted asked for 'Frank/Gerard, instant messaging in the same room.' 645 words
The whole thing starts when Gerard loses his voice. Not the first time, but the second one. Or maybe it's the third, Frank isn't exactly keeping track. All he knows is that Gerard can't talk (doctor's orders), and Brian's around to make sure he listens.
As if Gerard wouldn't anyway, he takes that kind of shit seriously, but Brian's feeling extra protective (paranoid) and won't let Gerard out of his sight.
There aren't really a lot of ways to for Gerard to communicate even with his stupid expressive face, the hand gestures, the drawings, the notes, and -
Okay, so maybe it's partly to annoy Brian.
At any rate, it starts because Gerard loses his voice, the weather's kind of crappy and Frank's coming down with something again. He has a stuffy nose, sore throat, and just isn't feeling all that great in general.
Brian notices right away because it's like his superpower or something, and forces the two of them to stay behind while the others go off and have fun and exciting adventures elsewhere. Or, you know, get dragged off on some tour by a frighteningly cheerful tour guide wearing a freaky little costume.
Frank has his laptop and an unsecured wireless connection to play with, and Gerard and Brian are also doing something with their laptops, although Brian's glaring at his and Gerard.
Gerard has this look on his face that Frank's not sure he's ever seen before, but since it closely resembles the look Gerard gets when he thinks he's being clever and brilliant but is actually just being a giant dork, Frank's not worried.
And then the little instant message pop-up comes up on his screen with a message.
From Gerard.
Frank reads it and looks up at Gerard, who is sitting not even ten feet from him and can see damn well what Frank's doing because seriously, this is lame, even for Gerard.
Gerard frowns at him and makes little typing motions with his hands, sneaking looks at Brian sitting right next to him like he doesn't want Brian to see.
Frank has no idea, seriously.
Gerard frowns harder at him, and Frank rolls his eyes and reads the message again before typing a reply and clicking the send button.
Brian twitches when the incoming message notice sounds from Gerard's laptop, but doesn't look up. Frank knows Brian is perfectly aware the two of them are being stupid again, but he seems to be leaving them to their own devices for the time being.
Frank doesn't need to look up to know Gerard's glaring at him, and smirks when another message shows up on his screen a few seconds later reading, “No, your mom.”
Frank starts laughing and waves a hand at Brian when his head snaps up to see what the hell is going on to let him know that no, nothing's on fire and no, no one's called the police.
Brian's eyes narrow as though he thinks it's only a matter of time before one or both of those is no longer true and goes back to glaring at his computer.
Frank snorts and hunches down to send another reply to Gerard.
Gerard slouches down a little too, stretching out his leg under the table to kick Frank, grinning at his laptop and looking a hell of a lot less guilty about losing his voice in the first place. Like he'd done it on purpose or something, which.
Seriously, Frank has no idea.
He types a message and hits send again, making a face as he checks his e-mail waiting for Gerard to reply.
It's a little longer in coming, and Gerard kicks him a few more times before he actually does send a reply, but it's so totally worth it when he does because he's smiling again, and seriously it's just wrong when he isn't.