
May 16, 2008 07:04

I was up all night working on Challenge Fic (almost done!) and have to get up in a few (four) hours, so uh. Have a random picpsam? *facepalm*

Random picspam! )

picspam, mcr, fic update, p!atd

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chebonne May 16 2008, 14:17:23 UTC
Special Ops Gerard! Every time I see this I imagine him as a Navy SEAL and can never figure out if that would be made of awesome or hilarity.

A little bit of both, I should think. Also, every single time I see pics of Panic at the Disco in connection with pics of MCR my brain goes SPY AU!!!! really loudly and then I have to beat it with a mallet.

Also, ahahaha, poor Worm! He must hide behind Mikey, who may pretend to be noodley by looking noddley, but is in reality made out of UNFLINCHING MAN-STEEL.


kitsune_tsuki May 16 2008, 14:33:41 UTC
Gerard as a Navy SEAL would be super amazing. He's all about the team bonding! (He totally plans, like, makeover nights and whatnot when they're off-duty and doesn't realize that that's not exactly the sort of team bonding their superiors meant.)

Also, every single time I see pics of Panic at the Disco in connection with pics of MCR my brain goes SPY AU!!!! really loudly and then I have to beat it with a mallet.

I know, me too! I would think something was wrong with me if if wasn't such an amazing AU.

Worm doesn't know why Ray's so mean to him! It makes him sad, because Worm's totally a nice guy.

but is in reality made out of UNFLINCHING MAN-STEEL.

Okay, seriously, I cannot stop laughing. I just. Mikeyway.


chebonne May 16 2008, 15:18:43 UTC
I think the best thing about Gerard the badass Special Ops guy is the fact that nobody would believe he WAS a badass Special Ops guy. Hell, his team wouldn't believe it. Because Gee wouldn't be the kind of guy to scream and tell them to drop and give him twenty and whatnot, he'd be, well. Team bonding! (Ahahahahaha, Gerard in a military cut! *dies*)

Ray has totally been pumped with steroids or something! That's why he's being so mean! It's totes not his fault! That's why his hair looks so sad too!

Well, Mikeyway is a vampire and we all know what vampires are like. (Tbh, I stole that from a Siriurs Black description of Remus Lupin, and it always makes me cackle. Mikeyway, the MAN OF STEEL.)


kitsune_tsuki May 17 2008, 05:31:02 UTC
Whenever Gerard's team gets called on for a mission everyone looks at him like,"Seriously?" And his team is "We know, but he knows how to kill a man twenty different ways - using his freakish finger spread!"

That's probably the weirdest/most frightening thing anyone's ever heard, and Gerard's at the briefing room table doodling vampires and zombies in commando gear. The vampires have tack vests, more to hold their equipment than anything because they're vampires, okay? The closest thing the supernatural world has to Superman. The zombies don't really get a lot of equipment, but they can take a licking and keep on ticking. (He saves the werewolves for when things get really, really serious and the vampires and zombies need backup ( ... )


scorpionvoices June 23 2008, 23:05:58 UTC


kitsune_tsuki June 24 2008, 00:19:55 UTC

It would totally be the most amazing thing ever, right? They're the most unlikely SEAL team anyone's seen, but they totally do their jobs! They save lives and kick ass (and doodle)!


scorpionvoices June 24 2008, 01:26:49 UTC

You should write it! I love your stories; they're always so imaginative.


kitsune_tsuki June 24 2008, 02:32:07 UTC
I think this might be one of the ones that's better as comment-plotting than an actual fic.

Thank you so much for saying that! ♥

(I always feel a little ridiculous with some of the things I write because I'm never sure if it's something that's funny only to me. *smooches*)


scorpionvoices June 24 2008, 02:58:58 UTC
Maybe, but I doubt it.

(It could never only be funny to you, dear; I sometimes think that we share a sense of humor!)


kitsune_tsuki June 25 2008, 01:59:24 UTC
Ha! Enabler! I have no plot for this one, though! It would probably just be Gerard doodling and the others sitting around and maybe glaring and looking intimidating at other people who laugh at them (Gerard).

Ahaha, although the thought of Frank or Ray cleaning a gun and smiling that creepy too friendly smile at some new rookie SEAl who thinks their team is a joke makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.

(It's totally like a hazing thing some of the teams that have worked with them before do to rookies. There are all these rumors about Way's team, and everyone knows Iero's crazy anyway. Oh, and Toro. The guy talks to his guns, and he has all those knives. Plus, he just smiles a little too much, you know? People say that Bryar uses a brick of C4 as a pillow. AHAHA. I don;t even know anymore.)

(\o/ This is awesome to hear! It must be why we get along so well! :DDDD)


scorpionvoices June 25 2008, 06:12:58 UTC
People say that Bryar uses a brick of C4 as a pillow.




kitsune_tsuki June 25 2008, 22:11:26 UTC
Well it's not like Byrar's an idiot, you know. He makes sure to keep the charges and fueses and whatnot seperate. (Frank used to steal Bob's real pillows back in training, and Frank knows better than to touch Bob's explosives. (Ahaha. I love that even though I tried to re-phrase that last part it always sounds like a euphemism. XD)

I can try! It's probably going to be a little ficlet though! :D?


scorpionvoices June 26 2008, 03:12:25 UTC



kitsune_tsuki June 26 2008, 10:34:20 UTC
I spent a stupid amount of time trying to find a way to write that before I gave up in disgust.

Ahaha. I can no longer take this seriously. *hands*


scorpionvoices June 27 2008, 05:37:50 UTC
You were taking this seriously? O.O


kitsune_tsuki June 28 2008, 12:58:38 UTC
...okay, so I can no longer pretend to take this seriously. :D


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