Seriously, I don't even know anymore. This is what happens when I end up putting doing the laundry off for a few weeks and try to keep myself entertained while folding clothes.
Brian isn't sure how it happens, but when they're in Chicago for a show Patrick comes out to watch them and somehow (Brian chooses to blame his stupid fucking band) Patrick ends up watching him instead.
It's not like Brian doesn't like Patrick or anything, it's just.
"Should." Patrick looks around like he thinks the guys are going to rescue him, which, fat fucking chance since Gerard and Frank are inside flinging themselves all over the stage.
The others had been acting more or less sane, until Ray had started picking up on the combined force of Gerard and Frank's energy, Bob started really hitting the shit out of his drums and Mikey. Mikey had gotten caught up in all of it which was a fairly accurate warning indicator that things were going to slide over into total fucking crazy before the show was over.
Worm had come over and asked Patrick to get Brian outside where it was safer for him in his little kid's body, and Brian was maybe a little pissed about it. Frank had Cortez running to keep up with him after the incident with his first guitar, the one that Frank hadn't even gotten around to naming yet, and Brian's maybe more than a little pissed.
"I don't think you should be smoking."
Brian squints up at Patrick and considers saying something unfairly rude considering Patrick's actually been pretty okay about the whole thing, but Brian's on edge knowing his guys are going all out with the fans feeding on it while security gets antsy. The worst thing about it is that Brian can't do anything but stay out of the way because he's a liability at the moment.
"Bob explained it to you, right?" Brian asks because even though he'd been right there when Bob told Patrick everything they knew about Brian's current condition, he doesn't expect Patrick to be completely cool with it. It's hardly like this sort of things happens all the time.
Patrick nods and looks around again, and it suddenly occurs to Brian what Patrick's really doing is making sure no one's around watching them or trying to snap a picture of My Chemical Romance's "honorary member" smoking by the tourbus with Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy fame standing right next to him.
Brian takes one last drag off the cigarette and drops it on the ground, grinding it under the heel of his shoe. Patrick relaxes a little, and Brian actually feels like a shit for putting him in that kind of position.
When he looks up to apologize Patrick looks weirdly uncomfortable, almost like he wants to apologize. "It's not your fault," Brian tells him, because seriously, the odds of Patrick being somehow involved are pretty fucking slim.
Brian could see Pete getting his stupid asshole self in some kind of mess, or Joe stumbling his way into it after smoking up, but Patrick's usually smarter than that. Andy's a little iffy, but Brian normally puts him on the list of People Who Know Better along with Patrick and a few others. It's a pretty damn small list, all things considered.
"Yeah, no," Patrick says, and looks down at him, biting his lip. "It's. Yeah."
The thing about Patrick is that he has this weird stabilizing affect on others, or maybe it's just that his normal guy attitude bleeds over. Brian doesn't know what it is, but he's a decent guy who somehow manages to put up with the crazies around him.
"This is really fucking with you, isn't it?" Brian asks, because it's obvious that it is. Brian doesn't blame him because Christ, poor Patrick's talking to someone who looks like a smoking, swearing, three year-old, and there's no way it isn't messing with him.
Brian grins and rubs the back of his neck, looking around to make sure no one's watching them. "It's driving Bob and Ray nuts," he says, smirking a little because he loves watching someone else freaking the hell out for once. It's not really payback because they're freaking out about Brian, and Brian's freaking out too, but god, their faces.
Maybe it is payback, of a kind.
"You're kind of enjoying this, aren't you?"
Brian looks up at Patrick and isn't really surprised to see him smirking because Patrick's a decent guy, sure, but he's no saint.
"Just a little," Brian admits, because he's never claimed to be anything of the sort. "Just a little."