AUs of my heart

Apr 10, 2008 12:27

These pictures makes me wish for horrendously bad AUs that may or may not be worthy of being made into Lifetime movies. Or, you know, Harlequin novels. Whichever.

First up we have WWI flying ace Mikey Way preparing to go up against German pilots, among them, should he be so unlucky, the Red Baron. (And/or, when Mikey was growing up that's what he told everyone he was doing when he ran off to play with that Schechter kid down the street who maybe thought Mikey was a little, okay, a lot, odd, but really kind of cool. Brian bought that hat for him when Mikey got his pilot's license and whenever Mikey takes a flight in the horrible Wings ripoff AU he always wears it because Brian makes this hilarious face like he isn't sure to smile or scowl at Mikey for being a dork. Brian buys him an aviator's scarf to go with it on his birthday even though he always bitches that Mikey doesn't take his job seriously enough.)

And then! In a similar vein there's this icon! (Sadly, I do not know who drew the original picture because it is amazing.) Gerard Way, Flying Tiger! He's not the best pilot Chennault's seen, but there's no denying he's good. Gerard doesn't have a girl back home, but he does have a picture of his his family in his cockpit and when he gets a little homesick that kid on his ground crew, Iero? Turns out he's from Jersey too, and they know some of the same people. Gerard gets Chennault or someone to pull strings when their tour's over and they end up fighting in the Pacific theater with the Army when the US joins the war to keep Frank on his ground crew. They meet Ray and Bob when they reach their new base and a few months later Mikey shows up as a replacement pilot when someone gets shot down. Gerard's not completely happy to see Mikey because he misses him, but he never wanted Mikey to see war firsthand. (IDK. Gerard + Warhawk = AU of AWESOME. Plus, there will be no storming of the beaches of Normandy for these guys, so it's entirely possible Mikey might not die! \o/)

This is either WWII pilot Gerard talking another pilot with a shot up plane in while the rest of their squadron looks on anxiously, or Gerard the radio guy. It could go either way. (Ahahaha.)

Rock star Frank - Oh, wait. That's not an AU.

Obviously, this is the Days of Thunder AU, except for the part where I never saw that movie. And this is less race cars and more go-carts. Also, not so much with the thunder and more with the annoying go-cart engine noise.

Andy and Joe are from rival teams, but they're friends who worry that Pete takes too many chances! Patrick is the genius mechanic dude who worries about Pete's crazy shenanigans on the track. ("Dammit Pete, there's no need to take so many risks!")

The one where Pete thinks Patrick's an angel...wait. Also not an AU.

Going back to radio guy Gerard, these two doofs are either the drive home show at the same station, or from a rival morning show. There is great animosity between them! Gerard mocks their capitalization punctuation habits even though everyone knows that's their producer Ryan's fault! They wanted no part of those shenanigans, but Spencer's known Ryan since they were kids, and even though he knows it's completely stupid he has Ryan's back on this. Brendon wouldn't care except that Ryan sometimes looks like he wants to cry because Gerard was totally the reason he got into radio in the first place. Ryan thinks Gerard hates him when actually Gerard's just kind of pissy that their show's ratings are right up there with his when they don't even play real music. What's up with that, huh? Also, the part where Brendon and Spencer get Ryan on air to offer make-up tips? Ryan does not know what he's talking about at all. (Brian maybe wants to die a little bit every time Gerard goes off on a rant about them.)

I know this picture freaks people out, and perhaps not without cause, but oh my god, how I love it. It makes me think of the westerns where the drifter/dandy/Three Four Amigos of the Damned comes into town and everyone's a little wary/skeptical/creeped the hell out until Something Happens. And the drifter/dandy/Three Four Amigos of the Damned turns out to be some super awesome gunslinger who is trying to start a new life/running from their past/looking for fresh souls. Here, of course, is the part where they've finally caught up with the rich bastard who thought he could get away with roughing up Madame Victoria's best girl, William. (Worst nightmare indeed.)

The one where Spencer's a rich kid with some sort of horrible disease in which one whiff of fresh air will kill him! He is kept inside at all times and the one thing he wants with all his heart is to ride his bicycle outside in the sunshine like normal kids. He's willing to die for his dream, and his parents are horrified, certain that the Ross kid and his little lackey Brendon are to blame. (It turns out that no, Spencer doesn't have a horrible disease, his parents are just worried people will throw themselves at Spencer's feet because he's so pretty...wait. Again, not strictly an AU.)

don't judge me!, fob, bandom, plotty things, p!atd, comment fic, picspam, fmsa, mcr, picfic

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