[Yami no Matsuei] Embellishments

Dec 31, 2007 23:43

Title: Embellishments
Genre: General
Pairing: Tatsumi x Watari
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Very much not mine.
Summary: Originally it was meant to be a simple thing, as far as these things go.
Notes: threewalls asked for Tatsumi, Watari and masks. I'm not sure this is what you had in mind, but I tried. :D

Originally it was meant to be a simple thing, as far as these things go. And then interdepartmental rivalry came into it, Chief Konoe insisting that he wasn't going to be outdone, and certainly not by people the likes of him. Even though Chief Konoe refused to name names, it was still painfully clear that there was really only one person he could have been referring to.

Somehow, and Tatsumi honestly doesn't know how it always seems to work out that way, Watari became involved in the whole mess.

"It can be a costume party!" Watari smiles when he says it, and Tatsumi can all but see the wheels working in his head.

Tatsumi clears his throat, and broaches the subject of the Earl's costume party. Specifically how well that had turned out for all involved.

Watari just looks at him for a long moment. "Well, yes." He finally says, as though he's choosing his words carefully. "But that was the Earl's costume party."

Tatsumi stares at him.

"Trust me," Watari says, patting Tatsumi's hand reassuringly. "This will be different."

There is absolutely no doubt in Tatsumi's mind that it will be.


For the next three days Watari's lab becomes a secret clubhouse,with only a select few being allowed entry.

Tsuzuki gives him a slightly baffled look when Tatsumi passes him coming out of the lab the first afternoon, something very much like glitter caught in his hair and a smattering of sequins glued to his fingers.

Wakaba smiles brightly at him when he sees her headed into the lab after lunch the next day, a small iridescent feather tucked into her hair.

003 is apparently out for a snack when they cross paths in the break room, a small string of beads tied around one leg like a small bracelet as she makes her way through a plate of cookies. She flaps her wings in greeting and coos softly at him when he refills her tea cup, beads clicking together when she moves.


He's not worried, exactly, just curious. Not concerned, really, although it's always wise to exercise caution whenever Watari locks himself away in the lab for days at a stretch. Especially when he's enlisted the aid of Tsuzuki and Wakaba.

Hisoka just rolls his eyes and tells him to grateful there haven't been any explosions and to enjoy the silence while it lasts.

That works until Tatsumi catches Terazuma lurking behind a large potted plant in the hallway leading to the lab, a pair of binocular around his neck.

He crosses his arms and scowls at Tatsumi as he explains he was merely keeping an eye on the lab in case something were to happen, but he doesn't quite meet Tatsumi's eyes when he speaks.

"I don't suppose you have something else you should be doing?" Tatsumi asks as he holds his hand out for the binoculars.

Terazuma tilts his head to the side as though he's actually considering it.

Tatsumi raises an eyebrow and he sighs and hands the binoculars over, muttering under his breath as he walks back to his desk.


The fourth day Watari appears out of nowhere when Tatsumi is walking down the hallway and pulls him into the lab. The lights are on, and there's a table set up in the middle of the lab, covered in small bottles and jars that contain a wide variety of craft materials. Beads, glitter, sequins, and other things Tatsumi doesn't actually recognize.

Watari's smiling again, but it's not the kind of smile that's cause for concern. It point of fact -

“We're done!” Watari tells him, and points at the table.

It takes a moment for Tatsumi to pull his eyes from Watari's face and the smile that lights it, to see what he's looking at.

A line of masks spread out on little mats, spaced apart so they don't touch.

“They're for the party.” Watari explains, frowning a little when he leans closer to the table to nudge of the masks a little further away form the edge. “Wakaba thought it would be easier for everyone involved if we went with masks instead of full costumes.”

Tatsumi nods, but he's still staring at the masks.

“Those are the ones Tsuzuki made.” Watari says, smile softening a little as he runs a finger across the fine dusting of gold glitter on one of the masks, fingers sweeping back over slightly angled ears.

Tatsumi doesn't know what the whiskers are made of, but the overall feline appearance of the mask is stunning. The one beside it, slightly larger is just as recognizable. Soft fur covering the floppy ears.

“Wakaba's.” Watari says, and the feather in Wakaba's hair from the day before makes sense now.

Hers is a half mask, covered in the same iridescent feathers, like an exotic bird, deep jewel tones. The mask beside it is wider, deep black with gold accents, black material dangling from the bottom with beads tied onto the ends. The markings around the eyes have been carefully painted on, standing out in stark relief.

“003 helped me with these.” Watari says, gesturing at the final four masks.

Tatsumi smiles at the tiny, owl-sized one. It's simpler than the other masks, painted in vivid swirls and spirals, beads attached to the edges. Chief Konoe's mask is similarly painted, although there are feathers instead of beads.

“He asked for that design.” Watari puts in, a shrug in his voice, and Tatsumi nods.

“I see.”

Watari shrugs as though to say he had nothing to do with it, and. Well.

“This is yours.”

Tatsumi turns his attention back to the masks, and stares.

Watari picks the one covered in glittering sequins up, emerald fading to a lighter gold at the edges, patterned to look like scales. Deep blue sequins ledge the eye holes.

“It's lovely.” Tatsumi says, reaching out to take it from Watari when he holds it out.

“And mine.”

Tatsumi can't help but smile when he sees it. Gold whiskers painted beside a laughing mouth. “I can't think of a more suiting mask.” He says, reaching out to touch one furred ear of the mask.

Watari smiles and takes Tatsumi's mask from him before setting it back down on its mat. “Strangely enough, that's what Wakaba said when she came up with the idea.”

Tatsumi snorts, and takes one last look at the masks before ushering Watari from the lab. It's late, the others having left for home hours ago, 003 out on her nightly flight already.

He knows that Watari hasn't been eating properly even with Wakaba there to remind Watari and Tsuzuki that pastries and candy aren't actually food groups.


Watari looks up, and it's clear he's tired, faint traces of glitter trailing across his cheek and vanishing into his hair above one ear. “Well, if you're offering, I don't think it would be polite to refuse.”

Tatsumi catches the flash of amusement in Watari's eyes, the slight smile on his lips.


“I've been working very hard the past few days.” Watari says, trying for a wounded expression, although the laughter in his voice gives him away. “Very busy.”

Tatsumi makes a noise of acknowledgment while he makes sure the lights are off the door to the lab is firmly shut behind them.


The night of the party Tatsumi watches as Tsuzuki and Wakaba present their partners with their masks, Watari beside him. They're not exactly hiding from the others, although the potted plant makes it easier to snap photos without being caught at it.

“We'll need to put copies up on the bulletin board.” Watari says, leaning around a branch to take another picture of Terazuma staring at the mask in his hands, Wakaba smiling up at him.

They can hear Hisoka stuttering something to Tsuzuki, and 003 is flying in figure eights above them, mask glittering under the lights. Chief Konoe is slumped at someone's desk mask pulled up onto the top of his head, a cup of punch held loosely in one hand. He's smiling a little too widely as he watches the others, cheeks flushed.

“I told you this would be different.” Watari says, a touch smugly when Hisoka goes from stammering to yelling, only a little later than expected .

Tatsumi sighs, but doesn't deny it. “It helps that someone,” Tatsumi doesn't feel like naming names even though he knows who that 'someone' is, “spiked the punch.”

Watari smiles, and he's never looked so much like the creature his mask is modeled after. Twists around to take one last a picture of Tatsumi in his own mask before they rejoin the others for the rest of the party. “Probably.”

fic meme, tatari, ynm, fic

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