(no subject)

Dec 16, 2007 17:45

So. This is an outtake that I wanted to put in the marching band AU, but couldn't figure out how it would work. Mainly because it's made of lame. I seem to have this idea in my head that all of the Chicago bandom boys know each other, no matter how improbable this would actually be in real life. Know each other as in they met before they got famous and whatnot, so. Er. (It should be noted that I've been working on fic all day and am a little loopy. Also, sugar.)

Ray runs into the band room one day where Bob hangs out in between classes sometimes - and Ray, who has been trying to get his kids to pick which songs they want to use in the field show freaks out at Bob.

Bob (who still hasn't agreed to help yet) is talking to this short guy. Kid, really, who looks like he's just a little younger than Frank and is dressed in like fifty layers of clothing and has a hat pulled down so low over his eyes that Ray can't really see his face. Just little bits of reddish-blond hair sticking out, because he's got the hood of his hoodie up, and seriously, it's cold but not that cold out, but whatever. It's not like Ray has the right to talk.

Anyway, the they're sitting around and the guy's sitting behind the drumkit and he kind of jumps when Ray bursts in, and Ray gives him an apologetic look before grabbing Bob and dragging him into a corner babbling about how the kids are trying to kill him and/or drive him crazy with all the fighting they're doing over the final song for the show. And they want him to choose between 'Grand Theft Autumn' and, I don't know, 'Grenade Jumper', or something, and Bob's just staring at him because clearly Ray has lost his fucking mind.

Ray sort of glares at him all "Well? Help a man out here, Bob!" And then the guy, who obviously has to be a good friend of Bob's for Bob to let him behind the drumkit pipes up with "I'd go with 'Grand Theft Autumn', if I were you. It would be easier to arrange, and it'd be easier on your players." Or something, and looks down when Ray's whips his head around to stare at him.

Ray stares at him because he's been listening to FOB CDs all freaking week and the guy's voice is really, really familiar, but he can't quite place why. Ray lets go of Bob and goes over to talk to Bob's friend all "Tell me more!"

Bob's still in the corner and he's a little uncomfortable, even though he realizes that Ray obviously doesn't recognize Patrick, because Patrick came to visit him since FOB's in town. Patrick, though, he gets all excited at the prospect of arranging one of FOB's songs for a marching band and he and Ray geek out over musical arrangements and how they can use the different sections and the drums and the pit, and Ray maybe falls in love with Patrick's brain a little. (Just his brain because he is so clearly in love with Bob and his everything.) And then Patrick's all "I'll send you the arrangements later?"

And Ray, Ray kind of snaps out of it because he realizes that he's being kind of rude, monopolizing Bob's friend's time and making him work and so he's all "What? Hey? Oh, no - "

But Patrick's all "No, no. It's cool. I'd love to do it." And then he tells Ray that he can show Patrick the arrangements for the other songs they're doing, and they exchange e-mail addresses or something and Ray still doesn't realize who he is.

When Ray goes to leave, he walks over to Bob and tells him that his friend is really cool or something and leaves and Bob stares after him and sort of facepalms and mutters about how Ray's an idiot while Patrick cracks the hell up.

And then!

When FOB shows up at the school press conference Ray is all "OMG! You're Bob's friend!"

No one has any idea what Ray's talking about except for Bob and Patrick and the rest of FOB because seriously, how hilarious? Gerard and the others are all "WTF, Ray?"

Patrick's just standing there smiling, and Pete's hanging off him smirking and Pete says "Yeah, Bob asked Patrick for advice on something a while back and then Patrick came out to see him while we were in town and I guess you know the rest?"

Then everyone looks at Bob (who never said anything) and Bob is glaring at his feet or something and looking really scary, but he's also totally blushing and Ray can't take it anymore and grabs Bob and kisses the shit out of him.

Pete whoops, Joe and Andy cheer and Patrick is smiling so hard because Bob's been telling him all goddamn year about "Ray this" and "Ray that" and "Holy shit, Patrick, I'm in love with the fucker!", only in his quiet Bob way.

...I don't even know anymore.

ttf, don't judge me!, fob, bandom, plotty things, wolfshirts, outtake, mcr

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