SG-1 10x06 - 200

Aug 22, 2006 05:15

So. Much. LOVE. XD XD XD

There is so much to love about this episode. SO. MUCH.

I loved all the little in-jokes and pokes at fandom and the production side of things and God, just so, so much to love about this episode I could go on forever.

Jack being invisible! THE DOG. Mitchell's little paper airplane! ♥

Mitchell counting every single time he's stepped through any stargate is adorable. And hugely dorky. :D

'Maybe not such a round number... 38!' - *dies*

'Except I think you've replaced jeopardy with certain death.' - Oh, Vala. LOVE.

Flux capacitor!

Oh, God, the Wizard of Oz! (Somehow, still not trumped by Daniel declaring himself to be the 'Great and powerful Oz' in Goa'uld to a System Lord. XD)

Okay, the Star Trek scene? Totally killed me. (As did Mitchell's line about not underestimating the audience, because yes, major, major irony there. But still very much appreciated.)




Hammond of Texas! ('Well...we found the ring in the sand.')

Puppet Daniel's writing! *dies*

Best description of Jack EVER. XD

Oh, God. This episode makes me miss 'old school' SG-1 so badly. (Especially Jack.)

Hammond of Texas! So many great lines!

Walter! 'Chevron one is lit up!'

The Pond With No Fish!

Daniel as the Crichton character in the Farscape parody? GENIUS. I was just...oh, God, laughing so hard at that.

And, as so many have pointed out, the wedding and the part where the others tried to convince poor Mitchell that Jack's his father and omg, I hurt from laughing so much.

Oh, SG-1. I heart you so.

awesome, sg-1, spoilers

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