(no subject)

Aug 21, 2006 17:27

Huh. Strangely? I am not crushed. I mean, yes, I would have liked to see more of Mitchell and Vala, but...ten years is a good run for any show. (Besides, I seriously doubt this is the last we'll see of SG-1, even without the potential for cameos in SGA.)

I am, however, incredibly thrilled that SGA got picked up for another season. (I worry more about SGA than I do SG-1 because it's an entirely different feel and while it has a fairly impressive fan base, it's still a young show.)

Edit: You know what would be really cool, though? If Atlantis got cut off from Earth as a result of SG-1's cancellation. I mean, think about it. (I don't actually think they'll go that route, but man, the possibilities if they did?. :D)

sg-1, sga

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