(no subject)

Feb 04, 2006 23:18

So uh...I think my brother's wiley plan to get me into Battlestar Galactica is working. He's taped the last two episodes for me to watch, and I am slowly (grudgingly) being drawn into mild fascination with the series.

I was leery about the series from the beginning, because OMG, Starbuck (and Boomer and who knows else that I don't know about yet) is a WOMAN. *shocked and scandalized GASP* (And I didn't know at the time that there were plans for an actual television series past the original mini-series, so getting too attached to characters and a universe that didn't seem like a good idea at the time, and then there was the whole getting rid of the cable thing too.)

And uh...really though? I'm betting they took the easy way out to avoid the whole 'Apollo and Starbuck have mad gay love for one another' thing (this time around) and decided to give Starbuck breasts and ovaries and other girl parts to cut down on the gay. (This would be my cynical and jaded side talking, here.) Boomer? I don't know, but hey, whatever works.

Only now I admit to being...intrigued to the point of hunting down torrents for season one of the series (and soundtracks, because omg, I LOVE the music) and am trying to decide if I really want to do this, because once I do? There's no going back. Slippery slopes and all that, and I'm not really sure I want/need another fandom. I just...I really can't see BSG being one of the fandoms where I need fic like I need air to breathe (as with SGA and other such favorites), since the series itself just seems so...solid...to me.


Oh! And I have this weird love-thing for Helo because he seems stable? I'm not sure how to phrase it so as not to sound insane because it makes total sense in my head, but I am fascinated that Starbuck went to Helo (or somehow wound up talking to him?) about her issues in this last episode because he would seem 'safe' to her since they don't have a sexual thing between them, and he's not a viper pilot and not directly under her command (I'm assuming) and um...yes.

I do however, share my brother's fear that something bad is going to happen to him because he's a GOOD GUY, all nice and decent and not a main character and characters like him tend towards dying horribly either as some sort of learning lesson or an excuse to ramp up the angst and motivate the main characters into opening up a can of whup ass on the enemy. (Also my cynical and jaded side talking here, because you know something like that's bound to happen sooner or later.)

bsg, arghh!

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