Feb 04, 2006 04:12
Today my brother and I were talking...about something (I don't remember what, exactly, which means that it was the usual stupid stuff we talk about) and I said something about a band I liked and he turns to me and tells me (in his usual dorky-teasing-trying-to-be-serious-and-just-looking-utterly-retarded- way) people don't call them bands anymore. They're groups. (In my head I'm like 'wtf? Are you high?' because it's such a girl thing to say, and not just that, a thirteen year-old, teeny-bopper girl thing to say.)
After which I realize, OMG, I've gotten to that stage (age?) in life where I no longer have even the slightest interest in following the current slang or trends or anything that would mean I could at least recognize 'cool' before being slapped in the face with it. I used to have some inkling of what those sorts of things were in school, but now? Not so much. I revel in my geeky ways and am generally much happier that way than I ever was trying to keep abreast of trends and all of that.
But? I am also turning into my parents because I seriously don't know what my eleven year-old niece considers cool and OMG, I'm going to wind up giving her SOCKS for her birthday or something equally horrible. (It's so much easier when they're too young to know what 'cool' is and have little happy attacks over WRAPPING PAPER, for god's sake.)
SO OLD. ;_;
random thoughts