Title: Because Opposite Attracts
kitsune_hikaru Category: One-Shot
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, romance
Disclaimer: I don’t own... bla... bla... bla... If I do own anyone, I’ll let you know... ^^
Summary: Junno had always tried to make Ueda jealous, little did he knew that he was the one jealous of Ueda’s quiet nature.
Warning: Un-betaed.
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I like the way you described them both, and Junno's attempts to make Ueda jealous <3
Thank you for sharing :D
i'm glad u're still liking it~~
i find it amusing when junno tried to do something but ueda see it different way... like he tried to make ueda jealous but ueda thinks its weird... lol~~ reminds me of their interview when ueda talked about vacation overseas n junno didnt get the clue that ueda actually wants to go with junno... lmao~~ ^^
btw, thank u sooo much for reading again~~~
How about you? We hadn't talked in a while~
Is it still as stress as it was at work?
i hope u're doing well too... ^^
I'm the usual~ I'm going to Czech soon (in few hours actually), it has some place that people are saying that is good for asthma, so I hope it'll help =)
*packs things to follow u*
haha... not quite actually... i'm not as miserable as before... at least i found my pace n way to overcome everything... it's time to stop worrying and start facing the future, i guess... ^^
That's good! Maybe it's not the best but at least it's better now <3
i'll be waiting for it then~~
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