Title: Because Opposite Attracts
kitsune_hikaru Category: One-Shot
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, romance
Disclaimer: I don’t own... bla... bla... bla... If I do own anyone, I’ll let you know... ^^
Summary: Junno had always tried to make Ueda jealous, little did he knew that he was the one jealous of Ueda’s quiet nature.
Warning: Un-betaed.
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Comments 33
I like the way you described them both, and Junno's attempts to make Ueda jealous <3
Thank you for sharing :D
i'm glad u're still liking it~~
i find it amusing when junno tried to do something but ueda see it different way... like he tried to make ueda jealous but ueda thinks its weird... lol~~ reminds me of their interview when ueda talked about vacation overseas n junno didnt get the clue that ueda actually wants to go with junno... lmao~~ ^^
btw, thank u sooo much for reading again~~~
aaaaahhhhh so fluffy!!! *dies of fluffiness*
man, you're not gonna like my latest chappie of my fic though LOL if you're writing such sweet things.... ><'
thanks for sharing!
they're soooooooooo sweeeeeeeeet, cuuuuuuuuuute and peaceful~~ ^^
junda is just sooooooooooooo LOVE~!!!
*brings u back from death*
aaah... i'm in the process to catch up with ur fic... currently reading up the part when ryo finally sets up to hokkaido...
dont worry, i especially looooove angst... but i always feel bad when i write it n make people feel sad.... T________T
thanks for reading tooo~~~
*i am a comment whore*
JUNDA cuteness always wins!! XD
It's like there is a balance to things.
i agree with that too~~ XD XD XD
opposites balance lots of things, n the rest is up to tolerance... i think junda fits very well when it comes to that point~~ ^^
thank u so much for reading again, dear~~ ;)
Actually all these things you've included, like how Junno and Ueda have opposite opinions about privacy and about jealous lovers and things were exactly the things that went through my mind when i read interviews about them! XD But in the end it does work out for the both of them ne?
I like the description of their relationship here and the nice warm fluffy pictures it's giving me >w<
Anyway great job in expressing the JunDa love!! ^w^ Thanks so much for sharing!! *hugs*
i knoooow~~ u think so too, right?? lol~~ i always thought uepi n junno fits that way, they're adorable being different... n uepi always gives out impression that he didnt mind junno being different~~ XD XD XD
aaah, junda is always warm n fluffy~~~ i dont need to work hard to express them~~ lol~~
thanks so much for reading too~~~ i'm glad u enjoyed it, even if there's lots of mistakes in it~~ -_-"
*hugs back*
It was so easy to imagine them, you have decribed them so well. i wonder what feelings did you have while was writing it?
n yeah, i agree... it's so easy to imagine them, it didnt require too much of an effort to describe how cute n peaceful they are becoz that's just how junda is~~
my feelings?? haha... i think it's pretty much pictured here... lmao~~
thanks for reading again, dear~~ ^^
i'm glad u liked it...
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