
Sep 29, 2011 13:14

First official Week 1 of college~ and I hope to be able to update my LJ regularly (really cross my fingers for this). Honestly, I really want to give myself some kind of regular habit since I seem to be horrible at these types of things if they're not enforced by a 3rd-party entity.

Basic "outside-of-work" things on the list include:

  1. updating LJ bi-daily
  2. working on Japanese powerpoints & worksheets
  3. writing up on fanfictions
Well, that's my list at the moment. About the Japanese worksheets.... I'm a little irritated at the fact that Adobe completely removed their "create your own PDF online" function on their website. I had an account and EVERYTHING. Well, it's all gone now and the only sigh of relief that I can breathe is the fact that I saved a copy of all the PDFs that I created on my own flash drive. There aren't any other good PDF makers out there, just converters but that's pointless for my uses. I guess I'll just have to take the long route then DX stupid format on MS is a killer

in other news.... I am quite saddened when it comes to Tokyopop N.A. division closing down. I hope other groups or something will buy their licenses/titles because they have some good stuff (Hetalia! *is shot*). While I'm not an avid shopper of Borders (I'm a B&N person), it's a shame that their closing because of the economic slump lost a major load of business for TP. Well, I may not be that accurate on my economics and other fluff, but that's my understanding of the situation.

Despite the fact that I go to sleep between  10-11pm every weekday college night, I'm subtly suspicious that I barely hit REM level of sleep.It's the only way that I can hear my alarm at like... what? .... 6, 7, 8 am? (depending on what day is). The weather here at LA's hotter than Norcal but there's always a really cold draft between 6pm-11am.

Erm what else? I'm taking Italian but DANG is it hard because I know Spanish XDDD "Come ti chiami?" (What's your name? inf.) becomes "Como te chiames?" And I have trouble pronouncing the "g" like in "orologio" (clock) I always tend to say it the Spanish way.

I'm suddenly feeling very Bianchi today~ XD

college, lj

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