Just so you know...I'm still around!

Nov 05, 2011 17:39

Greetings and salutations, everyone! Well, it would seem that life is taking a neutral/downward turn. On the up end, me and my ex got back together. *smiles softly* We actually managed to get closer during our downtime, and now I feel like our relationship is on an entirely different level. We're going to his Marine Ball this weekend and I'm totally excited! I already have a dress picked out. Of course, pictures will follow when I can get them.

Am still pounding the pavement as far as work goes. I've had a few leads, but they ended up being duds. *shrugs casually* I swear, if I could just get paid for writing fanfiction. Man, I would be rich.

Me and my parents are temporarily on the outs. During a conversation with my mother, I told her that she can't keep holding my hand and trying to protect me from the world. I need to be allowed to make mistakes so that I can learn from there. From that, she took it that I didn't want her to talk to me. >_< It's all very childish, really. I'm already stressed out from not having a job; add on my mother constantly asking when I'm going to get money from unemployment, my dad constantly saying he thinks my hair is ugly and need to go back to the salon, and the regular stress of job searching. I can't take it anymore. So I'm leaving. I'm getting clothes together and am starting to migrate them to his house. I have a plan to try and be totally moved out of my house by March of next year. This is also giving me time to find a permanent job. This was too long in coming and it's sad that I'll probably be leaving under less than pleasant circumstances.

Well, that's all for now. As promised, here is the Halloween and pic!

Of course, I am the goof-ball in the pink wig. The lovely lady in the middle is my best friend/female soul mate ((Debbie)) and the maid on the end is our hostess ((Paige)). Good times...good times!
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